27th. A rainy unpleasant day. A negro came into the lines giving news, making an attack on the rebels expedient. Wrote a line more in F’s letter. Were out all the P. M.–most of the fighting on horseback. Some artillery firing. Drove the rebs beyond “Talbot Station.” Regiments lay in line saddled, our brigade in [...]
26th. At midnight orders came to be ready to move an hour before daylight, not much sleep. Lewis not back. Col. Cook attacked the enemy near Mossy Creek. Capron and Garrard for support. Rained all the morning. Uncomfortable. Regts. in line all day. Some artillery and a little musketry firing. Foster sent his thanks for [...]
25th. Cloudy and letter from home. How I should like to be at home today. God bless all the dear friends. Wonder where Thede is today. Gave two or three little Christmas gifts. Rachel Brazelton gave me a nice large apple as a Christmas gift. Took dinner with Maj. Nettleton. Had some apples to eat. [...]
24th. At 1:30 orders came to move immediately to the Chuckey for the purpose of capturing a rebel brigade. Campbell’s brigade to attack in front and Garrard the rear, Garrard to have command. Col. Palmer, senior, of G.’s, had detachments from 11th Ohio, 75th Penn., 1st Tenn. When half a mile from road, rebels fired [...]
23rd. Hillhouse came around early. Hurried breakfast and wrote a few lines home and to Fannie, for Thede to take. Got George a saddle and Lewis govt. horse. How I dislike to have Thede leave me. I shall be homesick. Still it is best. Poor fellow. God grant he may get well soon. Command moved [...]
22nd. Sent out my letter early in the morning. Had some pork and soft bread to issue. Saw A. B. and talked about Thede. Concluded to have him start for home with Hillhouse and George also. Both talk of going to Knoxville tomorrow. Mark goes down to work for Chamberlain. Finished the first volume of [...]
21st. Remaining troops paid off. About noon went down to the 2nd Ohio and to my unspeakable joy found a letter from Fannie. How long I have suffered from anxiety and suspense. I love the dear child more than ever, if such a thing be possible. I answered it during the evening. Col. Purington got [...]
Sunday, 20th. June and I rode to cross roads, but got no rations,–discouraging and disgusting the way things run. Leavitt is no man. Returned to camp. McDowell paying off our brigade. Drew pay while Lieutenant–State Agent here. Sent $250 home and paid all my debts, including servants. A cold night, read some in “Scottish Chiefs.” [...]
19th. Up quite early in the morning and sent word to the details and to Leavitt. June came up with two wagons. Got 975 meal. 4th Army Corps camped near Cross roads. Saw Ed. Brice, orderly for Gen. Hazen, 41st near by. A good many troops here now. Sleep in a bed again tonight.
18th. Got 2nd O. and 7th O. details running mills. Bought some beef cattle and settled some accounts. Various orders for the brigade. Uncertain about its movements. McDowell paying off 2nd Brigade. Our Brigade to be paid off soon. A cold day. Water frozen. I am so anxious to hear from Fannie. I am miserable [...]
17th. Boys with no rations last night and none this morning. Started details this afternoon. Issued meal in evening. Brigade marched three miles, little northwest of cross roads. Hdqrs. at Sawyer’s, he away. Brigade ordered to the front. Cold night. Beef killed but not issued. Col. permitted me to remain. Expecting brigade back tomorrow night.
16th. Long, Normaldorf and I went ahead and lay down by a fire. Went back early to command and took breakfast on popcorn, rather weak subsistence. Our brigade in rear. Remained two hours after command left. Rebels soon commenced work and we fell back and soon took positions. 7th O. V. C. in rear. Rebels [...]
15th. Last night I accompanied Col. Garrard, carrying his orders. He is very cool under fire and indifferent as to the nearness of shell, shot and musket ball, many of which gave him a close call. Hugh White, Co. A. killed. Many narrow escapes. The scene after dark was fine. I felt a wild enthusiasm [...]
Bean Station, Tenn. Monday, 14th. Dark, cloudy and foggy. Hear Jacob Smallered of “C” Co. was killed yesterday. At noon Col. Garrard came along with the Brigade. Teams ordered to hitch up. Didn’t feel well but concluded to go out. June went with me to station. Artillery firing commenced. Found rebels near the station in [...]
Sunday, 13th. Remained at quarters nearly all day. Rainy in the morning. Read in the Independent. About noon ordered to pack wagons ready to move. Struck tents and all ready. Troops returned to camps and tents again pitched. Begin to worry about Thede. A. B. thinks he had better be discharged. So do I.
12th. After breakfast rode to station and got bread. Went down to the 2nd O. V. C. and saw Co. C boys. Seems good to mingle with them occasionally. Brigade ordered out to scout. Gone before I was aware of movement, but unable to go anyway. Went four miles above Morristown, and ran against too [...]
11th. Last night command marched across the river after caring for the wounded–building campfires. I rode on into camp and read home letters brought by Maj. Nettleton. He called this morning and took breakfast with us. Went down and got hard bread and a little sugar and coffee. Saw Corp. C. S., a little active [...]
10th. Soon after breakfast brigade ordered to Morristown on a reconnoissance. Sent June to see about rations and left the rest of the boys to go for cattle and pork. At the river encountered rebel pickets. Drove them back on Morristown and Cheek’s Cross Roads. Drove the pickets steadily. 2nd O. V. C. on X [...]
9th. Up early and breakfasted on mush. Supper last night the same. Infantry soon commenced passing. Left all boys but Thede and went on. Passed through Rutledge. Command moved on to Bean Station and camped–some skirmishing. Issued Hard Bread and beef! Boys came up. Bunked down by the fire and slept soundly. Cold night. Boys [...]
8th. Awoke considerably rested. Surprising how a tired man can sleep. Drew one day’s ration of meal and two of H. Bread. Moved around Clinch Mountain to Blains Cross Roads. Boys killed a flock of sheep. Passed a division of the 9th Army Corps in camp. Stopped with boys at a house near road leading [...]
7th. Awakened by firing over Clinch Mountain. Sent back details and teams for rations. Clear beautiful day. Moved at 9 A. M. up the valley. About 3 P. M. arrived at Bunch’s Trail, a pass through Clinch Mountain. Rebel pickets here and drove them. Col. Acker dismounted 9th Mich. and dislodged them from the Gap. [...]
6th. Up at daylight and breakfast in time to move at 7. Cloudy, cleared up in P. M. Moved down near Maynardsville road and halted. Sent for rations. Scare in 2nd Brigade. Some firing. Rebels left Knoxville and on way to Va. Cavalry here in valley. Graham’s Brigade after them. Guess all will get away. [...]
5th. A damp cloudy day. Sent out for meat and wheat. All failed save the butchers. Some talk of moving. Played checkers with Ordnance Sergt. Got badly beaten. Went to bed early with orders to be ready to march at 7 A. M. the next morning. All quiet.
4th. Considerable movement among the troops. Beers and Woods up from the 2nd Ohio. Played considerably at checkers with the boys. Saw paper of the 27th. Several scouting parties sent out and appearances of rebs leaving Tennessee for W. Virginia. Sent letters yesterday home and to Fannie.
3rd. During the day was quite busy getting wheat, etc., together. Ordered to be ready to march this P. M. Got all ready but failed to move. Issued meal and flour till Tuesday. Wrote in the evening. Had some apples to eat. Boys played checkers. Two poor stoves.