22nd. Went over to Bazaar with Roxena. Saw Fannies Hudson and Henderson. Saw R. to cars at noon. Heard Garfield with Fannie. Saw Will H. and Hub Terrell. Not much changed. In the evening called and walked with F. Good visit, then went to Bazaar.
22nd. Went over to Bazaar with Roxena. Saw Fannies Hudson and Henderson. Saw R. to cars at noon. Heard Garfield with Fannie. Saw Will H. and Hub Terrell. Not much changed. In the evening called and walked with F. Good visit, then went to Bazaar.
21st. Attended Plymouth Church in the morning. In the P. M. went over to Uncle Jones’. In the evening heard Fred Douglass. Much interested.
18-20th. Remained quietly at home resting and reading and playing chess till Sat. P. M. went to C. In evening called on Fannie. Happy time–same creature. (She spent the winter of 1864 in Cleveland at the home of her sister, Helen Cobb.)
17th. Went on my way rejoicing at 9 o’clock. Found open arms at- home. How good to be here again. I couldn’t realize it down in Tenn. I am happy–one thing short! Treasure Carrie! God be praised for the blessing of home and friends.
16th. Cold. Did my business. Got transportation for boys and by permission at 3 P. M. left for home. Had to stay over at Grafton. Cold day.
15th. Packed away C and G equipage and blankets. Boys went to town early. Tom, Smith and I went after dinner. Saw the washerwoman. Pity her but disgusted at her freedom and fondness. Went to Zettler House. Good many of C Co. there. Houses all full. Randall down again. Got my horses out. Am uneasy [...]
9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th and 14th spent getting mustered and rolls completed. 8th boys paid off and furloughed Saturday. Most of the regt. already in city. Work on company papers.
8th. Saw several committees in C. About 11 made arrangements for rest of company in Polk Township, Cranford County. $100 bounty. Several of us went to town and to theatre. Restaurant first for supper.
7th. Made arrangements for 13 men. Went to camp again after making diligent inquiries, and partial agreement.
6th. In evening went to town to see about assignment. Went to Atheneum. “Hidden Hand,” Miss Sallie St. Clair played her part well–pretty actress.
5th. Stayed in camp. Board of Survey. Read in “Tales and Sketches.”
4th. Went down to the stable with the boys to see the horses. Went to clothing store–vest and hat–measured for pants. Camp in time for dinner. Wrote some.
4th. Saturday. Made out my report and handed it in at Guard Mount. Learned that recruiting orders had gone by the board.
3rd. Hugh and I went to town in evening and heard the Swiss Bell Ringers. Good time. Zettler House.
February, 1st. Worked on the rolls. Read the papers and a little in Atlantic.
31st. The day in camp. Read in Atlantic and wrote a letter home. Mr. Brown and a friend made a formal Sunday call. Disgusting–his preaching and practice.
30th. Barracks fitted up as comfortable as possible. “I” and “C” officers together. Wrote a line home and to Fannie. Paroled. Moved.
29th. Passed through Cincinnati before daylight. Left for Columbus at 7:30. Stopped opposite Camp Chase and walked over. Got supper at boarding house. Boys poor accommodations.
27th. Concluded to bury Extell’s remains in city. Went to Gait House for breakfast. Bought a pair of boots. Evening saw Corsican Brothers, went with company.
26th. Found Extell under seats dead, poor boy. Has suffered much, not been alive for months. Procured coffin. Started from Bowling Green before noon. Slow work. At Louisville at 10:30 P. M. Went to Barracks in city, coffee and bread, poor and nasty barracks.
25th. Breakfast with Drake, Maj. Seward and nephew. Dinner with Capt. Case. Turned over arms. Lt. Pedrick wounded accidentally in foot. Cars at 5 P. M. Crowded and slow. Private Extell died.
24th. At Nashville, 9 A. M. quartered at Seminary Barracks. H. Drake and I went to dinner at a restaurant. Saw colored troops drilled and inspected. Went about town. Some splendid residences. Randall quite sick with pleurisy.
23rd. At 5 filled box cars. Rode outside. Cold and frosty. Very crooked road winding among the mountains south of Tenn. River. 7th on at Bridgeport, Alabama. Saw Oberlin boys. Three months more only. Lay at Stevenson till dark. Read, ate, lounged and napped. Made the most of a crowded car for sleep. Would have [...]
22nd. Aroused at four to march at 5. Failed to get off. Saw Hy Smith, Goodsell and Walker, Charley Brooks and Milo Cravath –Chaplain 100th O. Climbed Lookout Mt. with Hugh, Smith and Lu Emmons. Difficult job, but well paid. Scenery grand. In camp at 11. Coffee and went to bed. Scarcity of blankets. Much [...]
21st. It is astonishing how much the people of E. Tenn. have put up with, and how ignorant and coarse they are. Have seen but one young lady in Tenn. whose clothes have fitted her and who has acted the lady. 27 miles from Chattanooga. Great time at dinner at one Shoemakers–rebel. Guard there–impudent. Got [...]