Friday, 18th. Spent most of the day in the house. So interested in a game of chess that I forgot the church prayer meeting till too late. Attended preaching in the evening.
Friday, 18th. Spent most of the day in the house. So interested in a game of chess that I forgot the church prayer meeting till too late. Attended preaching in the evening.
17th. Stormy day. Played a little chess and read some. In the P. M. went to Thursday lecture. A stranger, an old graduate, occupied the pulpit–from a tent on Tappan Square. Columbian’s concert in the evening. Remained at home with Ma and baby Carrie.
17th. Stormy day. Played a little chess and read some. In the P. M. went to Thursday lecture. A stranger, an old graduate, occupied the pulpit–from a tent on Tappan Square. Columbian’s concert in the evening. Remained at home with Ma and baby Carrie.
16th. Melissa wrote a letter to F. I enclosed a note speaking of my burning the letters and asking F. to do the same way with mine and also my pictures. Melissa took my letters around to Minnie’s. Thede and I walked around before supper.
16th. Melissa wrote a letter to F. I enclosed a note speaking of my burning the letters and asking F. to do the same way with mine and also my pictures. Melissa took my letters around to Minnie’s. Thede and I walked around before supper.
15th. All the young folks were invited to Dea. Turner’s to tea. I remained at home. Played chess with Thede. Read some– attending preaching in the evening. Prof. Fairchild made a good discourse. Got out my letters from Fannie, reviewed them and burned them. It seemed hard and sad to do so, but I knew [...]
14th. Ma, Thede and I went down and looked at the Bushnell place. Concluded to take it. Went to Cleveland on P. M. train. Considerable snow last night and yesterday. Pleasant overhead but bad underneath. Almost concluded not to go out today on account of feeling so miserably weak and nervous. Went immediately to Mr. [...]
13th. Felt so unwell and uneasy, concluded not to go to church. Lay down part of the day. Read “Bitter Sweet,” by Holland. Much interested.
12th. Wrote to Alf Webber and Hugh. Read some in Dio Lewis’ “Weak Lungs, and How to Make Them Strong”–much interested. Called yesterday to see Jamie Johnson. Walked home from town with Ella and challenged for a game of chess. Went down and played in the evening–the champion. Letter from Fannie asking me to come [...]
10th. Major Nettleton returned. Told M. this morning in regard to F. and myself. She thinks as I do, that if the girl really loves me she ought to know it. If not, we ought to stop our intimacy. So shall I act. Received letter, unable to decide, does not know her own heart. Answered, [...]
9th. Wednesday spent the day at home.. Somewhat rainy. Played chess with Thede and read in “Dutch Republic.” What is more trying to be borne than suspense.
8th. Came home on morning train. An hour too early at the depot. Chester called and played three games of chess. Victor. Minnie at home in evening. Played authors. Saw her home. Am quite uneasy yet as to the result of F’s decision. Anyway I will try to be happy myself and to make others [...]
7th. At 10 A. M. went to the east side with Roxena. Fine Arts Hall and then for bath. P. M. called at Mr. Barnitz’, Bys’, Mrs. Cobb’s and Cous. Brougham’s. Fannie and I rode out–E. Cleveland, etc. Enjoyed myself hugely. We also went to hear Anna Dickinson. “Words for the Hour.” After lecture, walked [...]
6th. Sunday. Thede and I attended Prof. Thome’s church with the friends. Communion. Season of rich feasting. Benefited. P. M. went to S. S. Bible class. Adah sang S. S. hymns. Of course nearly went up. Evening heard Mr. Thome. Quiet visit with Adah.
5th. Rain and snow. After dinner Fannie and I went to Fine Arts Hall. Very pleasant time. Called at Mrs. Cobb’s. Went to Uncle Jones’ to tea. Company, Mr. Kingsley, Chas. Spencer and Mrs. Turner. Passable evening.
4th. Read and visited during the morning. Floy, Thede and I went to Cleveland on the P. M. train. Went to the various halls at Fair (Sanitary Commission) and to Uncle’s to tea. Mrs. D. so hoarse as to be unable to speak. Floy and Thede went to Minstrels. I called at Mr. Cobb’s. Spent [...]
3rd. Spent the morning at home. In evening called upon Fannie Henderson. To my joy a letter from F. came this P. M.
2nd. Maj. Nettleton returned from Sandusky and started for Washington at 2 P. M. Thede and I rode horseback to Amherst. Saw Mary, Grandma’s and Helen’s folks. Called at Mr. Kline’s. Spent the evening at home. Uneasy for some reason. Am looking for a letter but it doesn’t come.
1st. Spent the day at home. Commenced the “Dutch Republic.” Much interested. In the evening Thede and I went to meeting. Prof. Peck. “If I am thy Father, where then is mine honor.”
28th. Thede and I attended church together. Heard Prof. Finney in the morning. Prof. Morgan in P. M. Good sermons. Heard Mr. Fairfield in evening. “Repent, lest we grieve the spirit of God.” Thede went forward. I feel determined through God’s grace to do, work and live for Jesus hereafter, less for self. 29th. Thede [...]
27th. Folks returned from Cleveland. Called at Mrs. Hudson’s. F. not at home. Visited a little while at Tutor Fairchild’s. Read Charlie’s last letter. Good time.
26th. The day at home. In evening called at Ella’s. Had a pleasant visit and a good game of chess–Prof. Clarke.
25th. Folks went down to Cleveland even to Carrie. Floy came. She, Agnes and I kept house. Good time. Commenced letter to F. Attended meeting.
24th. Up and took cars at 7:30 for home. Thede back from Swift’s. Somewhat tired.
23rd. Morning and dinner at Mr. Cobb’s. Think much of Mrs. C. P. M. at Bazaar. Evening with the fairy belle. Had a splendid visit. Feel benefited. Future and prospects.