4th. Soon after daybreak Regt. moved up. Packs ordered up and breakfast got near the church. Regt. dismounted and put into the breastworks. Rebel cavalry charged and drove our boys from the first line of works, by flanking them. Soon column came up and rebs ran back. Had one killed and two or three wounded [...]
3rd. Reinforcements coming in rapidly via W. H. and also Fredericksburg. 13th O. C. arrived. Saw paper of the 31st. News very encouraging. Reported move of rebel infantry around and to rear of Burnside’s right. Guess old Grant has fixed it so as to give them a warm reception. Rained yesterday and last night. Our [...]
June 2nd. Lay in camp near Hanover C. H. at Dr. Price’s till dark when we moved towards White House. Went into camp about 2 A. M.
June 1st. Skirmishing all the way to Ashland under McIntosh. 5th N. Y. in advance. Soon after reaching Ashland rear was attacked. Then commenced a fight lasting till near sundown, when we left up the R. R. track by order of Gen. Wilson, who was on the telegraph road with the remainder of Div. Reached [...]
31st. Saddled up and moved at 3 A. M. Crossed the Pamunkey and took Hanover Court House. About two miles from town began skirmishing. At noon 2nd made a charge, driving the enemy and capturing some prisoners, skirmishing till about sundown, when the brigade formed and charged the rebel position about the court house. I [...]
30th. Remained in camp till 5 P. M. when we were ordered to march. Went out one mile and dismounted. Soon received orders to return to camp. Artillery firing commenced early in the morning and continued all day–terrific towards evening. A continuous roar. What suspense. God grant that we may be successful. May He give [...]
29th. Sunday. Reached the 3rd Div. C. C. little before midnight. 1st Brigade Col. McIntosh. Camped near Hanovertown on the Pamunkey. Crossed the Mattapony today and passed through Dunkirk. Like to remain with the Regt.
28th. Saw Col. P. Train moved on to Newtown and camped. Regt. ordered to the cavalry corp. Made preparations to remain with the Regt.–Thede, Hank, Barb and I. Regt. captured nine reb wagons yesterday. Plenty of corn and bacon. Glee Club gave some music at F. F. V., reb family.
27th. Orders to hitch up about 11 A. M. Moved about 3 P. M. Read one volume of “Marble Faun.” Marched all night.
26th. A rainy unpleasant day. Went down to the Regt. Regt. moved in the evening to Milford and on towards the “White House.” Trains commenced passing to the rear by another road to the white house.
25th. Troops crossed the North Anna. Regt. camped near the train. Read in “Villette” and played a little at cards.
24th. Read in “Villette.” Saw Lt. Bennett, 44th N. Y. Heavy firing in the distance nearly all day. Train moved out in the evening. Crossed the Mattapony. Went one and one-half mile? and camped at 1:30 A. M.
23rd. Aroused at 1:30 A. M. Got off at 3:30. I went back to the regt. and remained till 3 P. M. Reached the train at Milford Station, 3 miles below Bowling Green. A beautiful little village. A splendid rolling country. Rows of trees along the road each side. A good night’s rest.
22nd. Got into Guiney Station at noon. Stayed till the next day;
21st. Regt. back at F. All trains leaving on Bowling Green. Got off at dark. 4 miles during the night.
20th. Birge got in last night with oats. Went out to Regt. Considerable excitement on account of report that Ewell had flanked our army and was about to attack Fredericksburg.
19th. Went down with Thede to Spottsylvania. Visited all the fortifications. Went to the picket line. Could see the rebs very distinctly in rifle pits and works. Our fortifications only 1200 yds. apart. Train captured and recaptured.
18th. Read Independents and “Night and Morning,” by Charles Leper. Hard fighting today at Spottsylvania, nearly a drawn game. Ours if either.
17th. Lay in camp all day. Played whist with Seward and Abbey.
16th. Moved down to the valley near Fredericksburg. Went into town twice and looked at the fortifications and city. It must have been beautiful before the war. Scenery along the river splendid. Went around with Nettleton and Seward. Town full of wounded.
Sunday, 15th. Trains passing to the rear all night and today. Started teams for forage. Rainy night and cloudy today. Several from the Regt. down, Col. P.–Regt. under Maj. Nettleton had a fight with a brigade of rebs. Lost 15 or 20 horses, and four men were wounded. Rebs fell back as soon as the [...]
14th. Sent forage to the Regt. Maj. Seward came with four companies from Belle Plains. Gave several some dinner. Maj. Seward remained with us, unable to ride further. Regt. near Todd’s Tavern. No news from the army. Report that it is swinging round to the left. Some fighting in Burnside’s Corps.
13th. Comparatively quiet today. Christ’s brigade, Pa. and Mich. 9th Corps badly cut up in a charge. Com. killed beef and took to the command. Saw a paper of the 11th. Forage train arrived.
12th. Orders early to move. Sent 10 teams yesterday after forage. Sent two today for rations: Went with Pike and Ed. Livingston to the front, raining quite hard. Last night Gen. Hancock moved from right to left and this morning captured a division of Rebs under Johnson–Bushrod, I hear. Several charges made to little purpose. [...]
10th. During the day went to the regt. Some beef, 16½ cents per pound. Thomas and I went to the front. Arrived there at nearly sundown just as a charge was to be made. Gen. Grant, Meade and several lesser generals with staffs out. We fell in. Col. Upton’s Brigade charged and took the enemy’s [...]