23rd. Went to the White House and went through the East Room and two or three reception rooms. Eight very large mirrors in the East room, velvet and gilt papering, heavy brussels carpet, elegant sofas. Reception room surpasses anything I ever saw. Waited at Soldier’s Rest from 9 till 1 P. M. for Major Seward. [...]
22nd. Cars ready and off at 10 A. M. Got to Washington at 4 P. M. Rode to 6th St. wharf and made arrangements for transportation to Giesboro. Rather disappointed in the city of which I have read so much, where so many great men have congregated, where so much treason has been plotted, inhuman [...]
21st. Went to town half a dozen times. No train comes yet. Struck tents and moved out to camp. Parole before dark. Turned over property. Slept in open air.
20th. Received orders to turn in A Tents and draw shelter tents in readiness to go to Washington for outfit. Went to town late on bus. Drake received commission and Brown acceptance of resignation, good all around. Gave an oyster supper. Was not present.
8th-19th. Generally went to town once during the day on business and to see Dan. The boy has seen trouble and I fear that it will be too much for him. He had been intimate with and for some time engaged to a young lady of wealthy family. The father opposed the intimacy and engagement [...]
7th. Thursday. Letters from home yesterday. Read the “Life of Capt. Hurley Vicars” in the morning. Tom and Thede went to town to see Dan. P. M. went out to see companies drill. Would like to drill right well. Dreamed of Fannie last night.
6th. Issued clothing to the companies. Short on several articles. Had Thede detailed. Barber commenced cooking.
5th. Burge and Tom went to town. Found the teams and got the rest of the clothing. Still unpleasant and chilly. Boys all catching cold.
4th. Went to town with Tom Wood. Worked all day and finally succeeded in getting two loads of clothing. Very rainy and unpleasant. Teams got lost. Worried Tom–misunderstanding.
April 3rd. Sunday. Went to town and receipted for clothing. A rainy unpleasant day.
2nd. Got up some straw and forage. A rainy day. Slept with Bill in Q. M. Dept.
April 1st. Moved camp over the railroad, three-quarters of a mile. Went to town and got camp and G. equipage, and hay and wood.
31st. Went to town to the Q. M. with Bill. A rainy unpleasant day. Slept with Brother N. at Q. M. Carpenter’s.
30th. A rainy unpleasant day. Detailed to act as R. Q. M. vice Bills, who thinks of resigning on account of matters at home. Played some at chess. Boys seem to regret my leaving the company. I know I do. I do desire to do my duty well, faithfully and honestly. In the evening took [...]
29th. Reached paroled camp at Annapolis before daylight. Passed the day in camp. No stores and no wood. Good time chatting, laughing and fooling. In evening played a game of chess with Major Nettleton. Slept with him at Post Quartermaster’s, Maj. Carpenter from Akron. Camp very pleasant. Barber shop, reading room, chapel, news depot, neat [...]
Monday, 28th. Passed through Martinsburg and Harper’s Ferry. Saw John Brown’s engine house, a very strong position indeed. Great amount of work on the road, 13 trains passed us this morning going west. Road along the Potomac many miles. Passed Relay House about 9 A. M. Annapolis Junction at 10 P. M. Tried to get [...]
Sunday, 27th. Reached Bellaire at 2:30 A. M. and were ferried across the river. Took the Baltimore and Ohio road before daylight. In box cars–plenty of straw. Very rough country. Fairmount, Grafton most important town today, junction of the two branches. Road ran along the Monongahela for a time, then the Cheat River. Passed through [...]
26th. Reached Columbus at 10 A. M. Took the Central Ohio. Never passed through the country before. Pleased with Newark and Zanesville. Country rough east.
Friday, 25th. Reached Cincinnati a little before daylight. Marched in the rain to barracks up town. Got breakfast at a restaurant. Telegram came ordering us to Annapolis. Boys received the news with huzzas. Rejoiced that we were not obliged to go to Knoxville. Dismounted and encamped as we had orders to do. Took the cars [...]
Thursday, 24th. After breakfast went to town. Forgot my belt. Had to go by Mr. Cobb’s three times. Felt sad as I breathed a goodbye. Sad sad, sad! Will times ever change? I am glad none of my friends can know the feelings of my heart. Fred and Will and Terrell went to the depot [...]
23rd. Boys on hand to start. Didn’t get off. Tomorrow at 10 we now expect to leave. Most of the regt. has got along. Thede and I went over to Uncle Jones’ to tea and remained till 8:30 P. M. Then went to depot and welcomed Fred. Delos and Will there too. We four “B. [...]
Tuesday, 22nd. Went with Thede over to Uncle Jones’. Stayed till after dinner. Visited with boys. Saw Will and Terrell play billiards. Introduced to Mrs. Case. Col. Purington asked me in to see his wife. In the evening officers presented Mrs. P. with a silver tea service. $3.00 per man. Wine, etc. Didn’t indulge. Saw [...]
21st. Packed up in the morning. Went to Cleveland on the P. M. train. George went to the depot with me. Thede rode the horses. Saw Will, took supper with him. Went to the depot and around somewhat, expecting Fred. Good visit with Delos. Put up at Forest City Hotel. Saw most of the Co. [...]
Sunday, 20th. Went to S. S. in the morning. Mr. Fitch spoke splendidly. Pres. Finney preached, the old and new heart, righteous and wicked man. Minnie and John came over in P. M. Called at Mrs. Holtsander’s. Went home with Minnie to tea. Then to preaching by Mr. Fairfield. Neglect of so great salvation. This [...]
19th. Spent the day getting things ready for leaving. Saw Prof. Peck. Called at Maria’s (Jewell) in the evening, then at Minnie’s. Game of authors. Melissa, Flora and I at M.’s. Nettleton came in on the night freight. Regt. received marching orders, Mt. Sterling, Ky.