25th. Monday. Waited till 10 o’clock and saw John off Started for home. We envy him. Would we could go too. Got home about noon. In the evening marched to left of the army and relieved a brigade of the 2nd Div. on picket. Our regiment on the right of the brigade.
24th. Sunday. A. M. went to the Point for John. He came out and preached for us at 4 P. M. Goodly number out. Excellent remarks. A. B. and I rode back with him and remained over night on account of rain. Horse fell upon my leg going down. No serious harm. Came near breaking [...]
23rd. Saturday. Nettleton went to the Point yesterday so he did not go down this evening for John.
22nd. Transferred forge to 3rd Jersey. Thede and I rode to City Point. Bigelow and we took dinner with John. Pleasant time. Visited Capt. Dorsey. Enjoyed the ride.
21st. 2nd N. Y. and 1st Conn. came out early and relieved us. Beat Col. P. a game of chess. Camped in the woods near our old camp. We have a nice place.
20th. All quiet with the pickets. Played some at chess. Read papers and “Othello.” Wrote to Ella Clark.
19th. Played some at chess and read a little in Shakespeare. Eyes quite weak. Letters from home and Floy. Quiet. Heavy firing in direction of Petersburg. Rained almost all day.
18th. Relieved the 1st N. H. on picket near Cox’s Mills. Major Nettleton, while relieving pickets, had horse shot. Lt. 1st N. H. killed by his side. Guerrilas in ambush. Hdqrs. in a pleasant shady yard.
17th. Spent the day very quietly in camp, over Independents and other papers. Wrote home and to Lucy Randall Campbell.
16th. Rode to City Point with John. Visited the hospitals of 5th Corps with him. Good time. Enjoyed it much. Saw Hamilton. Surg. N. Y. Regt. Eyes quite sore.
15th. Extra men moved near Hdqrs. John came down and remained over night. Splendid time. Brought stores for Regt.
14th. Papers of the 13th. Grand panic in Baltimore and Washington.
13th. Wrote home and to Hugh Beer’s wife. More clothing.
12th. Drew and issued clothing. Very sultry day. Sprinkled this morning and tonight. Wrote to Tom Wood’s wife. Nettleton went to Point. Good many rumors about our going away North, and others.
11th. Was busy in the morning. Went to Q. M.’s and C. S.’s. Thought some of going to see John, but gave up the idea. Wrote home. Thede wrote too. Read some in Atlantic. Played game of “Seven Up” with Lukins.
10th. Took the inspected horses to Quartermaster Stone and turned them in–79 to be receipted for by Lt. Spangler. Had a good bath. Read several articles in the Atlantic. My eyes are occasioning me considerable trouble. Have thought of home a good deal today. Many of the officers are thinking of going home when their [...]
9th. Finished a letter to Uncle Albert. Not as neat and concise as I wish it were. I am too apt to hurry my work of all kinds–I must be more guarded. Thede went down to see John.
8th. Barber was sick so Bob and Thede got dinner. Very warm day. Did very little. Read some.
7th. Got clothing and issued. Not very well today. Have had several good games of chess with Major. Wrote to Roxena yesterday.
6th. Passed the day quietly in camp. Spencer here today. Very warm. In a shady place. Nice bower and shade trees in afternoon.
5th. Marsh came down and stayed to dinner. Moved camp a mile. A very hot day indeed. Good visit with Marsh. Better camp.
4th. Spent the day very quietly in camp. Have been great rumors as to today’s proceedings, but nothing has occurred as we hear.
3rd. Went to City Point with Kelly. Had a real good visit with Brother John. Seemed splendid to see him. Got back to the corps about dusk. Visited the Sanitary. Big thing. (Prof. John M. Ellis was serving on the Christian Commission at City Point.)
2nd. Rations of forage and commissary. Marched about 8. Went by the 9th Corps. Maj. Seward, Meeks, Thede and I rode over to Wilcox’s Div. and saw Reeve Spencer. Went up to the line and saw the 60th Ohio. Got popped at twice by sharpshooters, and were careful too. Took dinner with Reeve. Our works [...]
July 1st. Got a light ration of forage. Lay in the dirt all day. Bought some rations and got some sanitary stores. Got along well. Ordered to move in the morning at 6.