War Diary of a Union Woman in the South

“Such senseless sacrifices seem a sin.”—War Diary of a Union Woman in the South by Dora Richards Miller.


April 25, 1861.—Yesterday I went with Cousin E. to have her picture taken. The picture-galleries are doing a thriving business. Many companies are ordered off to take possession of Fort Pickens (Florida), and all seem to be leaving sweethearts behind them. The crowd was in high spirits; they don’t dream that any destinies will be [...]

War Diary of a Union Woman in the South

“The children play only with toy cannons and soldiers; the oldest inhabitant goes by every day with his rifle to practice.”— Fort Sumter.—War Diary of a Union Woman in the South.


April 20.—The last few days have glided away in a halo of beauty. I can’t remember such a lovely spring ever before. But nobody has time or will to enjoy it. War, war! is the one idea. The children play only with toy cannons and soldiers; the oldest inhabitant goes by every day with his [...]

War Diary of a Union Woman in the South

The Volunteers. — Fort Sumter


April 13, 1861.—More than a month has passed since the last date here. This afternoon I was seated on the floor covered with loveliest flowers, arranging a floral offering for the fair, when the gentlemen arrived (and with papers bearing the news of the fall of Fort Sumter, which, at her request, I read to [...]

War Diary of a Union Woman in the South

“There is one great comfort; this war fever has banished small talk.”— War Diary of a Union Woman in the South


March 10, 1861.—The excitement in this house has risen to fever heat during the past week. The four gentlemen have each a different plan for saving the country, and now that the bridal bouquets have faded, the three ladies have again turned to public affairs; Lincoln’s inauguration and the story of the disguise in which [...]

War Diary of a Union Woman in the South

“The city was very lively and noisy this evening with rockets and lights in honor of secession.”—Dora Richards Miller’s War Diary


Jan. 28, Monday.—Sunday has now got to be a day of special excitement. The gentlemen save all the sensational papers to regale us with at the late Sunday breakfast. Rob opened the battle yesterday morning by saying to me in his most aggressive manner, “G., I believe these are your sentiments”; and then he read [...]

War Diary of a Union Woman in the South



Sunday, Dec.—, 1860.—In this season for peace I had hoped for a lull in the excitement, yet this day has been full of bitterness. “Come, G.,” said Mrs. F. at breakfast, “leave your church for to-day and come with us to hear Dr. ______ on the situation. He will convince you.” “It is good to [...]

War Diary of a Union Woman in the South



New Orleans, Dec. 1, 1860.—I understand it now. Keeping journals is for those who can not, or dare not, speak out. So I shall set up a journal, being only a rather lonely young girl in a very small and hated minority. On my return here in November, after a foreign voyage and absence of [...]

War Diary of a Union Woman in the South