Through Some Eventful Years by Susan Bradford Eppes

Susan Bradford writes of Christmas preparations in Florida and the death of a cousin’s soldier fiance — both a part of war.

Susa Bradford Eppes

December 20th, 1861.—I spent today at Uncle Tom’s. His daughters are just the smartest, busiest people I ever saw. Cousin Mary Bernard and her three children and cousin Frances with her five are there, while Captain Bernard and Cousin Tom are at the front and Christmas is at hand. There are but few toys to [...]

Through Some Eventful Years by Susan Bradford Eppes

“Cousin Rich was buried today… His is the first blood shed on Florida soil in this cruel war.”—Susan Bradford Eppes

Susa Bradford Eppes

October 12th, 1861.—Cousin Rich was buried today. Crowds of people came and Governor Milton delivered an eulogy on his spotless record. His is the first blood shed on Florida soil in this cruel war. All his brothers were present except Cousin Johnnie, who is in Virginia. His two sisters are so distressed. When the services [...]

Through Some Eventful Years by Susan Bradford Eppes

“As soon as the train pulled out and the soldier boys could not see, the scene changed. Sobs and tears, wild outbursts of grief…”—Susan Bradford Eppes.

Susa Bradford Eppes

August 12th, 1861.—It is late at night but I cannot sleep so will write up the events of the day. The Howell Guards left on the mid-day train. A crowd had gathered around the depot to see them off. Mothers, wives, sisters, sweethearts and friends—all were there. Standing on the platform and looking around I [...]

Through Some Eventful Years by Susan Bradford Eppes

“One of our generals has gained a new name from his action while in battle; he is General Jackson, and he has been a professor in the Virginia Military Institute. “—Diary of Susan Bradford Eppes.

Susa Bradford Eppes

July 27th, 1861.—Each day brings us fresh news from the battle of Manassas. One of our generals has gained a new name from his action while in battle; he is General Jackson, and he has been a professor in the Virginia Military Institute. He is a strict disciplinarian and his boys at the V. M. [...]

Through Some Eventful Years by Susan Bradford Eppes