Through Some Eventful Years by Susan Bradford Eppes

Through Some Eventful Years

Susa Bradford Eppes

February ___[1], 1864.—Mrs. Gamble’s party was delightful, the band gave us fine music, the camp provided plenty of partners and there are young ladies galore in Tallahassee. Last night one of General Cobb’s staff officers told me the Capers Battalion had been sent to guard Tallahassee, in case of invasion. He said General Dickenson and [...]

Through Some Eventful Years by Susan Bradford Eppes

Through Some Eventful Years

Susa Bradford Eppes

July 3rd, 1863.—Another telegram brings more news from Gettysburg—such awful news—death and destruction and perhaps defeat. God help our poor country. Holding my breath I listen and tears come, though I try to be calm. So many of our brave men, who went forward can never come back. Oh, this horrible, horrible WAR! Susan Bradford [...]

Through Some Eventful Years by Susan Bradford Eppes