Friday Jan’y 24th 1862 Colder today but still freezes but little. Tonight the wind blows from the north bringing rain and sleet. It is a terrible bad night out, and I cannot but think of the hundreds of poor sentries on duty who have to stand and take it. No particular news today in the [...]
Thursday 23d 1862 In the office as usual. No rain today and a little cooler, but does not freeze. Geo W Prentice was an hour in our room today, quite sociable. Thinks Schoepf did the fighting at “Somerset” whether he gets the credit of it or not, and I think so too. I must call [...]
Wednesday Jan’y 22d 1862 Nothing new today. Saw two of “Shorts & Smith” “Greek fire Bomb” burnt south of the Presidents House. It was (or appeared to be) quite a success. The Streets and crossings are worse than I have ever seen them before in this City. Called at Mr Hartleys for Julia on my [...]
Tuesday Jan’y 21st 1862 Weather continues soft and unpleasant, a light rain nearly all day. Battle in Kentucky and death of Zollicoffer confirmed. “Sesesh” must now take a succession of hard Knocks. Our troops are now disciplined and more in Earnest. In the office a[s] usual. Went down to the National this evening, spent an [...]
Monday January 20th 1862 Another wet mudy day. The Govt Teams are in constant motion and the streets are a complete bed of mortar three or four inches deep over the roadway and two or three inches over the crossings. News rcd today of a Victory of my old friend Schoepf over Zollicoffer in Kentucky. [...]
Sunday January 19th 1862 A rainy day, but Julia & I went out to ch in the afternoon. Dr Dwight, Missionary from Constantinople, officiated, rather a thin “House.” Mr Short did not come up on account of the rain I presume. It is very foggy this evening. Mrs Fenwick (Wido[w]) has been here all the [...]
Friday 17th Nothing new today. Soft moderate weather, the crossings all slush. Very muddy everywhere off the sidewalk. No particular war news. The financial affairs of the Nation look better. The 150,000,000 Tax Bill has passed both Houses of Congress which is a basis upon which loans can be made as it makes the interest [...]
1862 Thursday Jan’y 16th Streets all ice this morning and all the boys out Skateing before breakfast. In the office all day. Geo D Prentice of the Louisville Journal in the room today. Very plain appearing man, rather slovenly in Dress and looking anything but a Wit who keeps the whole country laughing. Went down [...]
Wednesday Jan’y 15th Nothing new in the City or from the army. More Cabinet changes talked of, and I think necessary. Julia had letter from Mrs Dr Barnes of the 27th Regt. She has been staying in Camp for the last ten weeks living in a tent. She also had a letter from Miss Mirrick [...]
January 14th 1862 This has been a wintry day, the ground covered with snow, air damp and chilly. M. about 27. Cameron, the Sec’y of War, has resigned. Edw’d M Stanton takes his place. Ostensibly he retires voluntarily, the Papers say so. But in reality the “outside pressure” forced it upon him. He was compelled [...]
Monday Jan’y 13th 1862 Colder today. M. this morning down to 34, tonight at 28. Have been in the office all day, moved into another room today on the Land office. A Brother of Geo D Prentice of the Louisville Journal is at the next desk to mine. Mr Rickets & Mr Osgood are also [...]
Sunday Jan’y 12 1862 A warm pleasant day. Julia is over her cold and went out to church. Chaplin Booth of NY preached all day. He is a Methodist. Young Thos Lincoln (“Tad”) came up this morning and went to Sunday school and to church with our boys. I was down to the Hotels this [...]
Saturday Jany 11th 1862 Warm pleasant day with muddy crossings. The public mind is now on “tiptoe” to learn news in reference to the two great expeditions, Genl Burnsides which left Annapolis yesterday, and Genl Grants Ironclad Gun Boat Expedition which left Cairo the same day for the south. It is thought that these concerted [...]
Friday Jan’y 10th 1862 This has been a warm foggy day, streets very mudy. Nothing new in the City worthy of notice. The Burnside Expedition has left Annapolis for Old Point, its destination not yet publicly known. But it is Expected that it will go up some of the Rivers into Virginia. Success attend the [...]
Thursday Jan’y 9th 1862 In the office as usual. It rained most of last night. Warm today, very foggy tonight. I have spent the evening at home. The boys read, write, spell & cypher and “Bud” gets a Latin lesson every day. There is a good deal of sickness in the City and many deaths [...]
Wednesday, 8th 1862 Aniversary of the Battle of New Orleans, another Battle is expected there soon. No particular news today. Our boys were at Genl McClellans House today with the Lincoln boys. The Genl was out riding, his health is nearly restored. There is a good deal of alarm in the City on account of [...]
Tuesday Jan’y 7th/62 Not so cold today. The snow mostly off, it was only about 2 inches deep. Took my best black coat to the Tailors to get it renovated. Levee at the Prests tonight, “Bud” & Holly went. The[y] were with the Lincoln boys all the evening and had a rare time. Ed Dickerson [...]
Monday Jan’y 6th 1862 Got up this morning before 5 o’clock and went down to the “National” with Col Merrick. Got there too late for the Omnibus and he had to take a Hack to get there in time for the cars. “Mel” Goodrich called at the House and at my office today. He has [...]
Sunday Jany 5th The coldest morning yet. M. down to 14. The Col is getting homesick, says he must take the cars in the morning. I did not go out today, family all went to Church. I staid at home with the Col. — It snows some tonight. The cars go at 6 o’clock. The [...]
Saturday Jany 4th 1862 Nothing in particular has occured today. The morning was the coldest yet this winter. M. stood 23. At [sic] little sleet in the night with a little snow. The ground was nearly covered, it has been quite wintry. Lieut Swan called just before dark and staid about an hour. Col Merrick [...]
Friday January 3rd Went to the office as usual. About 1/2 past 11 o’clock went with Col Mirrick to the War Department. On our way we passed through the Treasury to the “White House,” went into the East Room and about the House some. At the War Department we found a great crowd, dispatches comeing [...]
Jany 2nd 1862 It has been cooler today but not freezing until night, high wind last night which changed before morning. In the office today. Nothing new stirring. The presidents sons here again to dinner with our boys who went home with them and did not return till near 9 o’clock. The boys have a [...]
January 1st 1862 This has been a warm pleasant day, rather too warm in the middle of the day with an overcoat on. Called in the morning upon Rev J C Smith, our pastor, and went from there up to the Presidents, found an immence crowd there outside. Could not get in on account of [...]
TUESDAY 31 The old year goes out today, bright and dry. I have been in the office nearly all day. The boys called about 1/2 past two. I came home with them, stopped and bought Bud a cap. After dinner, bought some coal, and went down to the Ave with Holly and bought him a [...]
MONDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1861. We have had no winter weather as yet. No snow at all to lay on the ground. Today has been cool and fine. Troops are moveing some across the River, and we may soon expect lively times. I have been in the office as usual today. Col Merrick is improving, has [...]