Thursday March 20th 1862 Wet drizzling day, as uncomfortable as need be. No news yet from Comodore Foot. I fear he has met with a repulse. Doct David & his Brother James were down and dined with us today. James is not attached to the Regt but is going down with it. It is expected [...]
Wednesday March 19th 1862 No news today. Nothing from Foot yet. Troops are embarking down at the Arsenal to go down the River. It is supposed that an attack is to be made upon Norfolk. An overwhelming force is going down. This afternoon we rode up to the Camp of the 98th NY, Col Duttons [...]
Tuesday March 18th News from Genl Burnside today. He has taken Newbern N.C. after a severe battle, 100 killed & 400 wounded, rebel loss not known, the Victory decisive. No news today from Comd Foot, only that he was bombarding Island No 10. Julia is selling tickets for the Church Festival, Pres[byteria]n 4th (Doct Smiths). [...]
Monday March 17th 1862 Nothing new has transpired today that we know of. The Telegraph announces that a Battle is in progress on the Miss. Com Foote is Bombarding the Rebels at Island No 10 with his gun boats. Troops are embarking on the Steam Boats to go down the River. The long trains of [...]
Sunday March 16th 1862 Has not rained today. A Regt passed this morning with Band playing &c just as people were going to church. Col Dutton had his horse sent down and he left for the Camp (as he said) cured. Col Durkee left early this morning. Col Dutton had an ambrotype of his family, [...]
Saturday March 15th The River is full of Steam Boats for transporting troops down the River, probably to “Old Point”. It has rained incessantly and this evening it pours. Col D. is well (he says). We went down to “Browns,” saw Maj Williams, Maj Fletcher & other officers. Col Durkee came in about 8 o’clock [...]
Friday March 14th Col Dutton is better today. Lieut Col Durkee and nearly all the officers of the Regt have been here to see the Col. The Regt has rcd marching orders and the Col is very uneasy. Mr Short called on me today. He is going down to Fortress Monroe, an attack is to [...]
Thursday March 13th There is no particular news today in the papers. Col Dutton concluded to come down and stay with us until he gets better. Doct David came with him. He appears better tonight, but Doct D stays with him all night. It has been a little wet this evening and there seems to [...]
Tuesday March 11, 1862 The “Stars & Stripes” are floating over Centreville & Mannasses, the Rebels having ran away. McClellan is there with over two hundred thousand men. News this morning of a desperate battle in Arkansas betwen our forces under Genl Curtis & Price, McCullochs army. The Rebels were totally routed with great loss. [...]
Monday March 10th 1862 This has been an exciting day. The troops commenced moving last night about midnight and have been going over the River nearly all the time since. It is said that not less than fifty thousand have crossed into Virginia today. It is confirmed that the Rebels are running from Manasses & [...]
Saturday March 8th The weather is now fine & the roads are drying up. Troops are coming into the City and crossing over the River. Rumors afloat of fighting today near Mt Vernon. Nothing is published and little is known publicly of War operations. The prospect now is that there will be a desperate Battle [...]
Friday March 7th 1862 A beautiful clear day but rather cool out, in the office as usual. Nothing new in the city that I hear of tonight. I have been down to Charleys. He has been doing some writing for me, my work in the Land office. Troops are coming into the City and moveing [...]
Thursday March 6th 1862 The event of the day has been the Funeral of the gallant Genl Lander. It took place at the Epiphany church, starting from the Residence of Sec’y Chase. The family (ours) all went. Mrs Doct Barnes & Julia were at the office. I went up into the Hospital with them. They [...]
Monday March 3d 1862 It has rained all day. Snow all gone and mud again much to the disappointment of all. We heard this morning of the death of the gallant Genl Lander. He was one of the bravest of the Brave and we could have spared almost any of our Brigadiers better than him. [...]
Sunday March 2nd/62 Pleasant morning but the ground is covered with snow tonight. Snowed very hard the middle of the day. It has thawed all the time. Went to church with family. Chaplin Marks of the Pa. 42nd Regt held forth, quite an interesting man. The military on both sides of the River are under [...]
Friday Feb 28th 1862 This has been a cool, windy, drying day and a few such are much needed to dry up the roads. In the absence of War news from the Army, all sorts of stories are afloat. But little apprehension is felt as to the result of the conflict which will probably take [...]
Thursday 27th Feb 1862 A great movement of troops over the river and from here over, has taken place. The Trains from the City going East have been stopped and no one is allowed to leave the City without a passport. All Telegraph lines as well as Railroads are in the hands of the Govt. [...]
Wednesday 26th Cloudy morning and rain before noon again. The roads were getting quite passable yesterday. There was a stir among the Military. Genl Banks crossed the River (above) it is said, and some Regts & Batteries were sent over from here. Julia was at Genl McClellans. Mrs M told her that the Genl had [...]
Tuesday Feb 25th 1862 Nothing in particular has occured today. But it has been a clear dry day with a bright sun. Yesterday the wind did much damage blowing off roofs and ruining the Baptist church on 13th Street. Went over with the boys after dinner to see it today. Called on our return at [...]
Monday Feb 24th 1862 The public offices have been closed again today in consequence of the funeral of Willie Lincoln. A great many hundreds went to the house, but a small number were admited, as the friends of the family only were invited to attend. Myself and Wife were admited and rode to the Cemetery [...]
Sunday 23d — This has been a misty damp day. I have not been to church. Young Field came up from his quarters and went with my wife & the boys. Prof Sparks called in the evening and staid an hour. I went down to the National and called upon Mr [S Seelye?] of NY. [...]
Saturday Feb 22nd 1862 This has been kept as a Holy day in the City. The public offices have all been closed. Salutes have been fired from almost every direction. We all went to the Capitol to see and hear. The Hall of the House of Representatives was more than crowded. It was expected that [...]
Friday 21st It has been pleasant today, it was frozen up this morning. I have been in the office as usual. Willie Taft spent part of the day with me at the office while his Ma & the other boys went to the Presidents. The illumination will not take place tomorrow night in consequence of [...]
Thursday Feb 20th 1862 This has been a bright pleasant day, quite a rarity for a month past. There is no particular news in the papers. I have been down onto the Ave this evening. Called upon Mr Daws M.C. who is sick at his rooms co[rne]r of 8th & Ave, bought some maps and [...]
Wednesday 19th Rain all day, roads and crossing are in a horrible condition. The news looks favorable for further Victories to be heard of before long. The whole country is jubilent over the past. I have not been out tonight. After dinner I cleaned out the Aquarium and put in fresh water. The Eel has [...]