Washington Thursday January 8th 1863 This is the anaversary of the Battle of New Orleans. It brings to mind the exploits of Andrew Jackson. O that his old mantle and white hat were still in the “White House.” The present times require his energy, his fire and resolution. The Country has been calling for “Jacksons” [...]
Washington Wednesday Jan’y 7th 1863 Quite cold today with a Sharp raw wind. Went to the Pay Mast[er]s office with Lieut Belden today, left his papers and we are to call tomorrow afternoon. It is very quiet in the City. No further news from the South West. Genl B F Butler is here from New [...]
Washington Tuesday Jan’y 6th 1863 The weather has been delightfuly warm, dry & pleasant every day since the New Year came in until today. It has rained all the afternoon and I got some wet in comeing from the office without my umbrella. That article is a servant that is frequently absent when most wanted, [...]
Washington Monday Jan’y 5th 1863 Great excitement in the City tonight. We are Victorious at Murfreesboro. A dispatch has been rcd from Rosecrans setting the matter at rest and I breathe easier again. And we also hear that in all probability Vicksburgh is in our possession. All our news from the South West is highly [...]
Sunday January 4th 1863.Washington D.C. A painful suspense have we all been left in today in reference to the “great Battle” reported in Tennessee. The “Sunday Morning Chronicle” has nothing definite as to the result. This Silence is rather ominous of evil, good news travels faster than that over the wires. But the wires may [...]
Washington Saturday Jan’y 3, 1863 We could not have finer weather, the air is soft and balmy as May. It is much like a northern Indian summer. The same blue haze rests upon the horizon. The roads and fields are dry and everything (out doors) invites one to make an excursion. But the beautiful groves [...]
Washington Friday Jan’y 2nd 1863. Another most delightful day. The New Year commences very smilingly. May it be an indication of the future fortunes of our Country and may Peace through our whole land smile as brightly long before we see the last of 1863. It is reported tonight that a great Battle was fought [...]
Washington Thursday Jan’y 1st 1863. Diary. The New Year has opened beautifully, it has been a mild and bright day. The Departments of the Govt have been (as usual) closed, and the whole City (Males) went at 12 o’clock to pay their respects to the President. The Foreign Ministers and the officers of the Army [...]
Friday 11th Fine pleasant day. The Event here has been the passage of the Bill by the House abolishing Slavery in the District of Columbia. It had passed the Senate. No particular War news today. I was down to the Hotels. They are all full and quite a crowd at Willards. Went to the “Festival” [...]
Thursday 10th The weather is more settled today. Nothing in particular has occured. We are getting more of the particulars of the great Battle at Pittsburgh Landing, it was the most desperate fight of the War so far. There is nothing from Yorktown, to which all eyes are now turned. Both parties are in great [...]
Wednesday April 9th 1862 It has stormed all day, rain, sleet and snow falling incessantly. News today of a great Battle West. Beauregard defeated and Island No 10 taken with all the land Batteries. Our armies everywhere victorious, more prisoners, guns, and munitions than our troops know what to do with. The City is in [...]
Tuesday 8th This has been a most dismal day, rain or Sleet has been falling all the time. I am all the time thinking of the Thousands of Soldiers who are now out in the storm without tents or shelter. Such must be the condition of Genl McDowells Division, which has advanced into Virginia on [...]
Monday April 7 1862 Rain last night and mud this morning. In the office as usual. A fire broke out this morning on the corner of the Ave & 7th Street, it has been burning most of the day. Six stores and one Hotel were destroyed before three o’clock. Willie came down to the office [...]
Sunday 6th A delightful morning. Hearing that the “27th” were soon to move, I crossed the River to Alexandria and walked out to their Camp. But to my surprise found the Camp vacated. The Regt left on Friday. Lieut Gaul was left in charge of some Stores but he expects to leave tomorrow. The Regt [...]
Saturday April 5th 1862 Nothing has occured today worthy of notice. Everyone is looking anxiously for news from three or four different points. From “Buels Army” & Com Foote Ten; from McClellan who is now at Fortress Monroe with a large Army, 130,000; from Genl Burnside in N. Car[o]lina; and from New Orleans & Savannah. [...]
Friday April 4th 1862 A delightful day. Quite still times here now since the soldiers left, but there are still soldiers in every direction, but the great Mass have left. 130,000 have gone down to Fortress Monroe. A large army is out in Virginia and a number of Regts are in the Forts over the [...]
Thursday 3d Today obtained and sent the Photographs to Thos [Bourne?]. They were finished while I was in the Gallery. I sent them by Adams Express. I was in the “National,” saw a number of my friends there. Went to the Festival with wife & Julia, staid till near 11. They had a Negro Band, [...]
Wednesday April 2nd There is a great dearth of news here now, but a great looking for of great events about this time, but few soldiers are here now compared with what there has been. The forts over the River are all maned and probably 50,000 men besides. There must now be about 200,000 tending [...]
Tuesday April 1st 1862 A fine pleasant day. Went down to the Ave in the morning, got Draft of $20, sent to Mrs Barnes Phila. Called at McClees Photograph Rooms. He told me that he had mounted 2300 pictures the day before. The call for Photographs by Army officers has been unprecedented the past six [...]
Monday 31st It has been pleasant today after the thunder shower which we had last night. Got my months Salary today, bought me a new hat, wore my old one a year and a half. Paid Bills “too numerous to mention.” We know but little of what is going on relating to the War as [...]
Sunday March 30th This has been a cold rainy day, as uncomfortable for the soldiers as could well be. It rained so hard that none of us went to church in the morning. Wife and the boys went in the afternoon. I have not been out, staid in the house reading. ______ The three diary [...]
Friday March 28th Very pleasant today. Streets quite dry & dusty. A great movement of troops. A stream of men and Govt Wagons have been going down 14th St for a number of hours. The Divisions of Genl Keyes and Casey, 10,000 or 12,000 each, have moved for Alexandria to embark. Doct David called about [...]
Monday March 24th A Review today at Meridian Hill, Genl Caseys Division about 20,000 men (none of his Division have yet left). Troops are leaving on board Steamers every day at the rate of ten or fifteen thousand pr day. News today of a Victory near Winchester V.A. by our troops under Genl Shields. The [...]
Sunday March 23rd 1862 No War news public today. It has been rather pleasant and no rain. Our next door neighbor Comodore Smith had his house robed last night. The Thief went all over the house gathering up watches, money, spoons, &c, without alarming the inmates. He unlocked the back door with Burglers nippers. The [...]
Saturday March 22nd 1862 We have been listening all day to the booming of Cannon and beating of Drums. Troops are constantly embarking at the Arsenal and marching through and about the City. But the tents on the hills back of the City do not seem to diminish in number, but most of the Regts [...]