Monday Feb’y 2nd 1863 Have not done much in the office today, there has not been much to do. I wrote a letter home inclosing a draft for $75.00, also sent a bundle of news papers. I send one every day, the “daily Chronicle,” which is left at my room every morning. A number of [...]
Washington. Feb’y 1st 1863. Sunday. Went to the Capitol today and heard the Chaplin Dr Stockton. He is rather dry and tedious, his sermons this winter have been more of a doctrinal, than a practical character. I believe in practical Christianity and practical preaching. I dont suppose that I am very orthodox, for it does [...]
Washington Saturday Jan’y 31st 1863 The month of Jan’y has passed away and in looking back I find matters connected with the War in much the same condition they were in a month ago. It seems no nearer a close, but on the whole I think matters look more bright for us generaly. The Rebels [...]
Washington Friday January 30th 1863 Not an unpleasant day over head but the Streets are in an awful condition, being unpaved they are almost impassible. Assisted Mrs Reed in the “N York Soldiers Relief association” Room in packing a Box to send to one of the Regts over the River. The room is in the [...]
Thursday Jan’y 29th 1863 It has been a wintery day, the snow still lying on the ground but it has frozen very little. The streets are deep with “slush.” The City is very quiet. All are in anxious expectation of hearing important news from some quarter, either from Rosecrans in Tennessee, or from Grant at [...]
Washington Wednesday Jan’y 28th 1863. It has snowed all day without cessation, but it has melted about as fast as it has come. It is a little colder tonight and the snow is three or four inches deep on the ground. Mr & Mrs Bemis called on me again today and I took them to [...]
Tuesday Jan’y 27th 1863 This has been a wet drizzly day, one well calculated to give a person the “blues,” and I think that almost every one has the “blues” in view of our present state of affairs. The future looks as dark and unpromising as ever. The rebellion seems to be just as far [...]
Washington Monday Jan’y 26th 1863 Well, Genl Burnside has resigned and “fighting Joe” Hooker is in command of the “Army of the Potomac,” and Genls Sumner & Franklin are relieved of their commands. What this last thing means remains to be seen, Court Martials possibly. I dread the effects which these movements may have upon [...]
Sunday Jan’y 25th 1863 Attended religious Service in the Senate Chamber this morning, heard Mr Conway from Cincinnati. His Sermon was most excellent till he began to treat upon the subject of Slavery. On that he was most ultra. Altho a Virginian he was fairly driven out of Washington a few years ago for preaching [...]
Washington Saturday Jan’y 24th 1863 Mild and pleasant today, not much like winter. We have passed a quiet day, no Stirring news afloat and no startling rumors. Some successes of our Western gun Boats under the gallant Porter on the White River are published. The news boys cry it as “another Union Victory.” Let us [...]
Friday Jan’y 23rd 1863 It has been quite pleasant today overhead but muddy and bad at the crossings of the streets. No particular news from the Army or from any other quarter. Congress seems disposed to meet Mr Chases views and I think that his financial scheme will be adopted in the main. That is [...]
Washington Thursday Jan’y 22nd 1863 Another chilly, wet, misty, muddy day. It has passed off very quietly. But we were somewhat startled to learn tonight that Maj Genl Fitz John Porter was “cashiered and dismissed from the Service.” The verdict of the court is said to have been unanimous. McDowell will come out better. There [...]
Washington Wednesday Jan’y 21st 1863 No snow storm but a cold, windy, rainy day. All last night it seemed to pour down, and as the wind drove the rain against my window I could not help thinking of the thousands of poor Soldiers who must be lying on the ground with only a partial shelter [...]
Washington Tuesday Jan’y 20th 1863 A cold raw wind all day. But Capt Swan and myself started about noon for Fort Gaines and vicinity, which we visited and returned to the City about 5 o’ck. I saw a number of Lyons people attached to the 138th. Fort Gaines is a very small affair but is [...]
Monday Jan’y 19th 1863 This has been another cold day but clear and pleasant. I did not have much to do in the office after making out my weekly report. All seems to be in uncertainty in regard to the movements of the Army of the Potomac. But I think it is again over the [...]
Washington Sunday Jan’y 18th 1863 A fine cold winter morning, ground hard frozen. Attended religious Services in the Capitol, heard Mr Stockton (the Chaplain). Took a look at Leutzes picture of the “Emigrants.” The more I look at it the more I admire it. Miss Rumsey always sings with one other female and three male [...]
Saturday Jan’y 17, 1863 Heard tonight that the Army have crossed the Rappahannock below Fredericksburgh 10 miles. We shall hear of a Battle in a day or two. The Patent office is being cleared of Patients today. It may be it is only to make room for more wounded. It is sad to think of. [...]
Washington Friday Jan’y 16th 1863 Rumors today of a movement of the Army of the Potomac. It is believed to be a good time for it. The Rebels have undoubtedly been sending off a portion of their Army to Tennessee and N Carolina and I think our army will cross the River above Fredericksburgh, but [...]
Washington Thursday Jan’y 15th 1863 I have reason to be thankful that my health is so good. Today I have felt extremely well and have been quite busy all day although I have not done much on the “Board.” Josephine (Maj E Ps wife) and Mrs H P Knowles called upon me at my office [...]
Washington Wednesday January 14th 1863. As gloomy and as dark as two years ago are the days now. When we look into the future for our Country Dark days were those, and it looks dark now for the preservation of our Union. Our vast armies seem to be lying idle or baffled everywhere by our [...]
W[ashington]. Tuesday Jan’y 13th 1863 (My Birth day) 57 years. The first thing that I hear in the morning is the cry of the News Boys, “Baltimore Sun & Clipper,” “Morning Chronicle,” “Northern Battle.” At 3 o’clock the “Star.” About 4 o’ck it is “Star 2nd Edition,” “Northern Union Victory.” After the N York mail [...]
Washington Monday Jan’y 12 1863 The capture of Galvestion & the Steamer “Harriet Lane” by the Rebels has become a fixed fact and is not a “Secesh lie,” and what is full as bad, our forces were badly repulsed at Vicksburgh with much loss to us. Our “Army of the potomac” is still idle on [...]
The following diary entry contains wording that is offensive to many in the world of today. However, the entry is provided unedited for its historical content and context. Washington Sunday Jan’y 11th 1863 Attended religious service in the Senate Chamber this morning. If the service was not so very interesting, one can endure even a [...]
Washington Saturday Jan’y 10th 1863 It has been a miserable cold rainy day, tonight it has poured right down since dark and has not ceased raining all day. I [ran?] to my room from the office after three o’clock and by virtue of rubbers, cloak, and umbrella did not get wet much. One of our [...]
Friday Jan’y 9th 1863 No Startling news today afloat. Old Elisha Whittlesey died yesterday very suddenly aged about eighty years, his funeral took place this afternoon. He had been a long time in public life as Comptroller of the Treasury and he possessed the unbounded confidence of all who knew his character was unimpeachable. Called [...]