Wednesday Dec 2nd 1863 Since my last date Genl Grant has defeated the rebel Army under Bragg at Chattanooga taking Six or seven thousand prisoners and about Sixty cannon. Genl Mead moved South from the Rapahannock last week. He has cut himself loose from all supply trains or Depots from this direction. He has ordered [...]
Wednesday November 18th 1863 Since my last date I have been Home and Staid eight days, left here the 31st Oct & returned the 10th Inst, brought Julia back with me. She is staying at Mr Hartleys on NY Avenue. Neither Genl Meade or Admiral Dahlgreen have been removed as was reported at that date, [...]
Friday Oct 23rd 1863 Events are passing of perhaps much importance to the Country, but no Battles of any note have been fought. Lee has retreated back across the Rappahanock. Genl Meade thought he could not follow immediately and has been relieved of the Command of the Army of the Potomac and Genl Sedgwick is [...]
Monday October 19th 1863 Not much of pub[l]ic interest has occured for a week past in the field. There has been almost constant skirmishing over the River within from 30 to 60 miles of here. Our army is now near the old Bull Run Battle ground and another general Battle is expected there or near [...]
Sunday Oct 11th 1863 This has been a delightful day but rather cool. I got up this morning and took a long walk before breakfast. Spent some time in the Stanton Hospital and heard Dr Gurley preach this evening. He gave an interesting account in his Sermon (or remarks) of the Life and Martyrdom of [...]
Thursday Oct 8th 1863 There has hardly ever been so dull a time (for news) as for the past week or two. There seems to be nothing going on in the Military line that we hear of that is worthy of especial notice. But we are expecting to hear of important events at Charlston and [...]
Monday Oct 5th 1863 Perhaps I might have made it interesting to have continued my diary. But I have been absent some time since my last date, and important events it is true have occured, great Battles have been fought, and great Victories have been won by our arms. The month of July saw our [...]
Monday June 29th 1863 The very atmosphere has been full of rumors today in reference to the movements of the rebels in P.a. & Maryland. Yesterday they captured a large wagon train (170 Six Mule Teams) within Ten Miles of this City. The train was on its way To Frederick M.D. The Rebels are probably [...]
Monday June 22nd 1863 I have hardly fulfilld my purpose of noting down “important events as they occur” for many important events have occured since my last writing. No very important Battle has been fought by the “Army of the Potomac” with the exception of that while Hooker was across the Rappahannock about the first [...]
Washington April 4th (Saturday) I left Washington on the 16th March on a two weeks leave of absence and spent the time visiting my family at Sag Harbor L.I. I returned the 2nd Inst (Thursday). I had a very pleasant visit and regreted leaving home more than I ever did before. This is a miserable [...]
Washington Sunday March 15th 1863. I saw today what has of late become quite common here, a Company of thirty or forty Prisoners and refugees from Virginia march through the City under guard to the Provost Marshalls office. The most of them were refugees from Richmond, foreigners, some of them with their families. Some of [...]
Saturday March 14th 1863 News that Vicksburgh is evacuated by the Rebels comes tonight pretty well authenticated. Nothing further from “Yazoo,” but we are expecting good news from that section all the time. I am rather in hope that Vicksburgh is not evacuated. I think its Capture by Genl Grant a sure thing and I [...]
Washington Friday March 13th 1863. It has been quite a cold day with Snow in the middle of it and freezing hard tonight. News by the papers that there has been a battle at Yazoo City Miss and that we have taken 7000 Rebels prisoners. I think the Report needs confirmation. No other news of [...]
Thursday March 12th 1863 A bright pleasant morning but followed by snow and wind, quite cold tonight. Capt Swan came up from the Army and called on me today. Maj E. P. Taft got a furlough to go home and was in one of the Govt offices this morning haveing his papers approved when he [...]
Washington Wednesday March 11th 1863 When I looked out of the window this morning everything was covered with Snow. But it has all disapeared tonight leaving a due quantity of mud in its place. No important events are chronicled in the papers today. In looking ahead a month ago I thought it impossible that a [...]
Tuesday March 10th 1863 It has snowed and rained the most of the day and been as unpleasant as ever. Maj E P T[aft] came down from the Fort today and called upon me at the office. Staid till near three o’clock and I went down to the Hotel with him where I met “Carrie” [...]
Washington Monday March 9th 1863 This has been a fine bright day altho it rained nearly all last night. But the bright Sunshine has brought no very comforting news, rather the Contrary, for last night the Rebels made one of their customary “raids” at Fairfax Court House and gobbled up a Brigadier Genl (Stoughton), a [...]
Sunday March 8th 1863 Rained again today most of the time and I have kept my room till near night. I went down to Maj Williams and spent an hour and then came back to tea after which I attended religious Services at the Colored Church on 11th st. A white man preach[ed] a very [...]
Washington Saturday March 7th 1863. Another day has passed and no news to encourage any body. They have had a small fight in Tennessee where three or four of our Regiments were overpowered by superior numbers. All quiet on the Potomac. There is in fact a perfect Blockade of Mud and it is almost impossible [...]
Washington Friday March 6th 1863. No news today of any importance from the armies or from the southern coast. We are in a State of great anxiety just now. It seems so important that we should now hear of Victories and I cannot but think that our troops will be successful wherever they strike at [...]
Washington Thursday March 5th 1863. We are disappointed today as the report last night of the Capture of Fort McAllister is contradicted today. Still, there is something that is favorable to the Union cause as gold has fallen down to 150, or twenty percent in one day. We will hear news in a day or [...]
Wednesday March 4th 1863. Congress adjourned at twelve O’clock today. The Senate is again convened by proclimation of the Prest for further Confirmations and perhaps for counsel and as advisors of the Prest. Public affairs look rather more bright. Mr Chase now has almost unlimited powers for raising money confered upon him. Not much apprehension [...]
Washington Monday March 2nd 1863. With a bright day the spirits of everybody seem to rise and counten[an]ces look brighter than for the last fortnight. I wonder no suicides have been committed, it would have been an excellent time and would not have created much surprise. I got a fine Gold Pen out of “Uncle [...]
Washington Sunday March 1st 1863 Old winter has taken his flight and left us deep in mud and water and a dense fog. But we will now look for clear weather and the usual drying winds of March will soon render the roads passable and the armies can move. Armies did I say? (for I [...]
Saturday Feb 28th 1863 There does not seem to be anything in particular to note down. We hear of some skirmishing with the rebels at various points but nothing of much consequence. At Vicksburgh, where perhaps the largest forces are opposed to each other, I think the plan is not to attack the Batteries but [...]