SATURDAY, JULY 6, 1861. In the office all day as usual. Removals of Examiners expected shortly, great outside pressure for office, qualification a secondary consideration, Salaries are wanted. A general movement of troops is expected to take place tomorrow. Went down to the Navy Yard with Julia. Went on board of the new Steamer Pensacola. [...]
FRIDAY 5 Hot in the sun but a good air stirring. Congress is fairly organized and ready to go to work. I was at the Capitol a couple of hours today. Saw many of the “Members” with whom I was acquainted, went on the floor among them before the call to order. The Halls looked [...]
THURSDAY 4 The weather has been delightful and very favorable to the great Military Review. Twenty three Regiments, or over twenty thousand men, marched past the Prests House on the Ave. It was a great display for NY, for it was a Review of only the NY Regts by Maj Genl Sanford. Genl Scott, the [...]
WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 1861. This has been a fine cool day and quite a stirring one round town. This afternoon three Regts were reviewed by the President at the “White House,” and other Regts were moving, coming in, and going out to Camp. The 12th Regt had a fine parade and were reviewed by Maj [...]
TUESDAY 2 Everything connected with the War seems to be standing still as far as we know, excepting the arrival of troops and their movement across the River. The City is now swarming with soldiers who stay only for a day or so and then go into Camp in the suburbs of the City. The [...]
MONDAY, JULY 1 This has been a fine cool day, but a heavy rain this evening. We all (the family) took a ride after dinner to the Camps back of us. We saw the Camps of fifteen Regts and went into a number. Saw the officers of most of the NY Regts in that vicinity, [...]
SUNDAY, JUNE 30, 1861. Rained a little this morning but I went to church with wife in the morning. Took a walk up to the Depot in the evening, saw the arrival of the NY15 Regt (Col. McLeoud Murphy). Five Regts have arrived today. All the quarters (Buildings) on the Ave appear to be full, [...]
SATURDAY 29 It has been a pleasant comfortable day. Maj Genl John C. Fremont arrived last evening, and is at “Willards.” Much is expected of him in this contest. The Event of the day was the raising of the Stars & Stripes at tent on the Prests Grounds by the Prest. It caught in going [...]
FRIDAY 28 Today the body of Capt Ward of the little Steamer “Freeborn” was brot to the Navy Yd. He was killed on board his Boat by a shot from shore at “Mathies Point.” He was a brave man. We are frequently startled by the booming of Cannon over the River, and the first thought [...]
THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1861. But little of moment has transpired in the City today. Some little rioting on the part of the soldiers, many having been paid off. The most important event is the arrest of Marshall Kane of Baltimore for treason. No fighting has taken place recently to speak of. But it is expected [...]
WEDNESDAY 26 It has rained a little today, laid the dust and made everything look fresh pleasant. Nothing has occured. Everything appears to be quiet, although the elements of strife are all around us. I think the rebels are in favor of making peace, and are causing the slight movement north that way. But there [...]
TUESDAY 25 Another fine day, cool and bright. Troops are coming every day in large numbers, 13000 came last week and 5000 were expected today and tonight. There was a large meeting of Officers at Genl Scotts quarters today. Various surmises are afloat, something is to be done soon. It will be difficult to keep [...]
MONDAY, JUNE 24, 1861. This has been a fine pleasant day. Nothing in particular has occured that is public. A full cabinet meeting including Genl Scott and other Genls of the Army has been held, a sort of counsel of War and State combined. We may hear from it hereafter. Three or four thousand troops [...]
SUNDAY 23 Rather a hot day but a pleasant one withal. I did not go out to church but busied myself at home reading and writing. Wrote to Brother C.R. Two of the 12 Regt dined with us, Mr Peck and Mr Hart, two fine gentlemanly young men, apparently, belonging evidently to the better Class [...]
SATURDAY 22 This is the day which was set for the capture of Washington by the “Secessionists.” But the day has passed off quietly and that thing has not been attempted. The Fifty thousand Bayonets here were a slight obsticle in the way. It has realy been the most quiet day that we have had [...]
FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1861. This has been a hot day. At the dress Parade of the “12th” this evening about twenty of the soldiers droped down, overcome with heat. All sorts of reports have been in circulation today. “Genl Beauregard” has been on the march for the City with one hundred thousand men. Many are [...]
THURSDAY 20 Hot day and everybody wondering what will happen next. Troops here under marching orders. The 12th expect to go tonight. Some 4000 new troops have arrived today. The Boys have been spending the day at the Prests with the Lincoln boys. Willie has been with me all [sic] the office all day. Was [...]
WEDNESDAY 19 Fine weather yet. Every one on tiptoe to hear news. Troops are passing over the River and an advance to Fairfax C.H. is expected. Exciting news expected from Old Point from the West as well as from the opposite side of the River. Attended the “Parade” this evening and went down to Willards [...]
TUESDAY, JUNE 18, 1861. Weather fine but a good deal of excitement on account of a fight over the River at a little Station on the RR called Vienna. Our troops ran into a trap on a train of cars (under a Masked Battery). Lost a number of men (Ohio Regt). Large bodies of troops [...]
MONDAY 17 A cool fine day. Nothing particularly new has occured, but matters over the River seem to be coming to a point. Went after up to the camp at Meridian Hill about a mile north. Three Maine Regts are there; [also] the NY 5th (German) and the NY 9th. About 4000 [men?] were on [...]
SUNDAY 16 It has been a fine comfortable day with a good breeze. Attended the service at the 12th Regt quarters, the Chaplin (Mathew Hale Smith) officiating. Large numbers of citizens attend every Sunday morning. The Regt is expecting orders every hour to move over the River into Virginia. The Dress Parade was attended by [...]
SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 1861. This has been the hotest day yet. M. 92 with a pretty good breeze all day. More troops have crossed the River, and many are looking for an assault upon the City. I do not. The Flying Artillery at Arlington House were practicing this evening, we could see the smoke and [...]
FRIDAY 14 Fine pleasant day. The evacuation of Harpers Ferry by the rebels is the only news of importance afloat today. Many think that the combined forces will now move on Washington. But I do not think they will attempt its capture. They are evidently afraid of “U.S.” and have acted cowardly in all the [...]
THURSDAY 13 It has been cooler today and quite comfortable. We are relieved today in reference to the “Bethel affair.” Our loss not more than first reported 25 or 30. Nothing stirring in the way of news of importance, but important events expected every day and people are on the “qui vive” all the time. [...]
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 1861. Bad news today from Fort Monroe, a fight and a repulse with considerable loss of life. It is feared that the loss is much greater than reported, rumor says so. Our Friends E.P. & Capt Welling left on the 21/2 train for Home. I went with them this morning to the [...]