Diary of US patent clerk Horatio Nelson Taft.

“Saw the gunners at the Yard firing at a target with shell.”—Horatio Nelson Taft


SATURDAY, JULY 6, 1861. In the office all day as usual. Removals of Examiners expected shortly, great outside pressure for office, qualification a secondary consideration, Salaries are wanted. A general movement of troops is expected to take place tomorrow. Went down to the Navy Yard with Julia. Went on board of the new Steamer Pensacola. [...]

Diary of US patent clerk Horatio Nelson Taft.

Horatio Nelson Taft


THURSDAY 4 The weather has been delightful and very favorable to the great Military Review. Twenty three Regiments, or over twenty thousand men, marched past the Prests House on the Ave. It was a great display for NY, for it was a Review of only the NY Regts by Maj Genl Sanford. Genl Scott, the [...]

Diary of US patent clerk Horatio Nelson Taft.

Horatio Nelson Taft


SATURDAY 29 It has been a pleasant comfortable day. Maj Genl John C. Fremont arrived last evening, and is at “Willards.” Much is expected of him in this contest. The Event of the day was the raising of the Stars & Stripes at tent on the Prests Grounds by the Prest. It caught in going [...]

Diary of US patent clerk Horatio Nelson Taft.

“We are frequently startled by the booming of Cannon over the River, and the first thought is ‘the battle has begun.'”—Horatio Nelson Taft


FRIDAY 28 Today the body of Capt Ward of the little Steamer “Freeborn” was brot to the Navy Yd. He was killed on board his Boat by a shot from shore at “Mathies Point.” He was a brave man. We are frequently startled by the booming of Cannon over the River, and the first thought [...]

Diary of US patent clerk Horatio Nelson Taft.

“But there must be no peace till they lay down their arms and return to their duty.”—Horatio Nelson Taft


WEDNESDAY 26 It has rained a little today, laid the dust and made everything look fresh pleasant. Nothing has occured. Everything appears to be quiet, although the elements of strife are all around us. I think the rebels are in favor of making peace, and are causing the slight movement north that way. But there [...]

Diary of US patent clerk Horatio Nelson Taft.

“Three or four thousand troops crossed into Virginia last night and our lines seem to be slowly advancing.”—Horatio Nelson Taft


MONDAY, JUNE 24, 1861. This has been a fine pleasant day. Nothing in particular has occured that is public. A full cabinet meeting including Genl Scott and other Genls of the Army has been held, a sort of counsel of War and State combined. We may hear from it hereafter. Three or four thousand troops [...]

Diary of US patent clerk Horatio Nelson Taft.

“Walked down to Willards to hear the news but found not much afloat today, but plenty of reports flying about.”—Horatio Nelson Taft


SUNDAY 16 It has been a fine comfortable day with a good breeze. Attended the service at the 12th Regt quarters, the Chaplin (Mathew Hale Smith) officiating. Large numbers of citizens attend every Sunday morning. The Regt is expecting orders every hour to move over the River into Virginia. The Dress Parade was attended by [...]

Diary of US patent clerk Horatio Nelson Taft.

The rebels “are evidently afraid of ‘U.S.’ and have acted cowardly in all the little skirmishes which have occured so far.”—Horatio Nelson Taft


FRIDAY 14 Fine pleasant day. The evacuation of Harpers Ferry by the rebels is the only news of importance afloat today. Many think that the combined forces will now move on Washington. But I do not think they will attempt its capture. They are evidently afraid of “U.S.” and have acted cowardly in all the [...]

Diary of US patent clerk Horatio Nelson Taft.

“H N Jr. has spent the day with Willie Lincoln at the “White House” and dined there with the Prest.”—Horatio Nelson Taft


THURSDAY 13 It has been cooler today and quite comfortable. We are relieved today in reference to the “Bethel affair.” Our loss not more than first reported 25 or 30. Nothing stirring in the way of news of importance, but important events expected every day and people are on the “qui vive” all the time. [...]

Diary of US patent clerk Horatio Nelson Taft.