Diary of US patent clerk Horatio Nelson Taft.

Horatio Nelson Taft


SUNDAY 25 Went to church this morning with Julia & Brownson. The day has been delightful, quite a show of soldiers up 14th St., Infantry, Cavalry & Artillery of the Regular Army with a fine Band and Drum Corps. A long train of Army wagons also passed the house. Mr B & wife [Mrs Taft] [...]

Diary of US patent clerk Horatio Nelson Taft.

“I was not able to see him in private. Genl McClellan was there and Col Baker and Col Duryee and Genl J.W. Denver and other distinguished characters.”—Horatio Nelson Taft


FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 1861. A fine bright day. Went to the Presidents at 1/2 past 8. Many members of the Cabinet there to see him and officers of the Army. I was not able to see him in private. Genl McClellan was there and Col Baker and Col Duryee and Genl J.W. Denver and other [...]

Diary of US patent clerk Horatio Nelson Taft.

“Sent a line to the President by H N Jr — requesting a private interview. Will see him in the morning 1/2 past 8 o’clock.”—Horatio Nelson Taft


THURSDAY 22 Another rainy day. Went down to the Provost Marshalls Office, great crowd there for passes across the River. Saw Capt Fowler and Capt [Huron?] there (of the 12 Regt). Sent a line to the President by H N Jr — requesting a private interview. Will see him in the morning 1/2 past 8 [...]

Diary of US patent clerk Horatio Nelson Taft.

“The Brazilian Minister wants to rent my House & furniture for one of his friends. I hardly know what to do.”—Horatio Nelson Taft


WEDNESDAY 21 This has been a fine cool day but bright with a feeling of Autumn in the air. I saw the Comr this morning but could get nothing satisfactory from him in reference to my restoration to the Pat office. Came home about noon. The Brazilian Minister wants to rent my House & furniture [...]

Diary of US patent clerk Horatio Nelson Taft.

“I was at home most of the day contriving what course to pursue for the time being.”—Horatio Nelson Taft


TUESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1861. Many people in the City were much alarmed last night at a report that “the rebels had crossed the River below and were marching on Washington.” Similar rumors are constantly afloat. Went to the Express Office and sent off (as requested) Lieut Martins trunk which was left with me. Called at [...]

Diary of US patent clerk Horatio Nelson Taft.

“Rumors of the “rebels” crossing the River into Maryland. Hard fighting expected soon near the City.”—Horatio Nelson Taft


MONDAY 19 This will pass for a rainy day and a disagreable one. I was at Genl Porters office (Provost Marshall), a great crowd there after “passes” to Virginia. The Court Marshall was sitting in the same building. I saw four of the mutineers of the NY 79th who were awaiting their trial. They were [...]

Diary of US patent clerk Horatio Nelson Taft.

“Went with Westfall to the Provost Marshall office (Col Porter) for ‘pass’ to Virginia.”—Horatio Nelson Taft


FRIDAY 16 Went down to the Navy Yard this forenoon with F Sickels. The “Pensacola” Steamer is nearly completed. The little Tug Boat “Resolute” lay near her with three dead men on board who were killed near Mathias Point last night by the Rebels. Met Jas Westfall and Mr [Vanstetyne?] of Lyons, at the “Yard.” [...]

Diary of US patent clerk Horatio Nelson Taft.

“It would not much surprise us to hear a genl cannonade over there any day, as an attack may be expected anytime.”—Horatio Nelson TaftHoratio Nelson Taft


SUNDAY, AUGUST 11, 1861. A very hot day. Went to church this morning with Julia, Willie, and Surgeon Barnes of the 27th. Doct Smith preached. It commenced to rain about 5 o’clock and rained till near night very hard, flooding the lower part of the City. Guns were heard over the River, some fighting probably. [...]

Diary of US patent clerk Horatio Nelson Taft.

“The Lincoln boys were here again today. My three boys are now fited out in the Zuave uniform.”—Horatio Nelson Taft


WEDNESDAY 7 Heat still oppressive. M. 92, but a good air. Was on the Ave awhile this morning, soldiers not as plenty there as formerly. They are now kept in their quarters. The “Patrol” “nabs” them anywhere, officers and all, when found without a “pass.” Congress adjourned yesterday. I have spent most of the day [...]

Diary of US patent clerk Horatio Nelson Taft.

“One of our neighbors boys Willie Lowry fell and was badly hurt today. The Father is at sea.”—Horatio Nelson Taft


SATURDAY 3 Hot still. Went over to the Navy Yard with Julia and Miss Hartly. Went round the shops and on board the Steamer Pensacola which will be completed in a few days. Nothing but cannon, and shot and shells, fill the workshops. Everything there looks warlike. No troops are quartered in the Yard now, [...]

Diary of US patent clerk Horatio Nelson Taft.

“I think it quite possible that they will find it necessary to restore me to my Desk as Doct King was removed yesterday, among others.”—Horatio Nelson Taft


THURSDAY, AUGUST 1 My lameness is much better today. I have been down to the office where I remained most of the day writing &c. I think it quite possible that they will find it necessary to restore me to my Desk as Doct King was removed yesterday, among others. I was down to the [...]

Diary of US patent clerk Horatio Nelson Taft.