TUESDAY 15 I have been quite ill today, had a slight chill, pulse up to 100 all the after part of the day. Must take some medicine tonight. I went to the Prests this evening (fever and all), saw Maj Watt. Think matters are in pretty good train for a post in Sec’y Smiths Dept. [...]
MONDAY 14 I have done but little today but attend to my cold, altho I have been round the City some. It is understood that there has been a general advance today of our troops over the River. Saw the Qr Mastr of the 27th Regt on the Ave. He said that Genl Slocums Brigade [...]
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1861. I caught a severe cold last night by the wind blowing on me in bed and have been rather miserable today, have not been out at all. The Family all went to church excepting myself and Willie, he has got smart again and eats his allowance. The weather is rather chilly, [...]
SATURDAY 12 A delightful cool day. Was at the Prests. Sent Mrs Lincoln a note, talked awhile with Maj Watt and called upon Genl Schoepf and spent an hour. He leaves for Kentuckey tomorrow. He was bred up in the Austrian Army and deserted to the Hungarians when the Revolution of /48/ broke out, being [...]
FRIDAY 11 Succeeded today in seeing the Sec’y of the Treasury after geting a card from the Prests private Sec’y, Mr Hay. But the interview was of little account. I called upon Mrs Lincoln this evening with Julia and had quite a long conversation with her. She was quite indignant that I had not been [...]
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1861. This has been a wet dreary day but the streets have been quite lively and the Ave crowded as usual. I saw a large body of cavalry moveing over the River from this side this morning. Our troops are makeing advances frequently on the other side but I think that no [...]
WEDNESDAY 9 Change in the weather, cool today. Saw Mr Harrington, Assistant Sec’y of the Treasury, could not see the Sec’y today. A movement of military to the other side of the River. Our forces are slowly advancing and fortifying as they go. I do not think there will be much fighting here. The Govt [...]
TUESDAY 8 The great review came off today, 108 pieces of Artillery and the 6400 Cavalry. Julia went with Capt Mew, H N Jr went on his ow[n] hook. I was at the “White House” this morning with Doct Dyer of Chicago. Mr Lincoln passed us on the steps. He stoped and shook hands with [...]
MONDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1861. Went for Doct Piper this morning for Willie. He has I think only a bad cold on his lungs and will soon be well. I was on the Ave this morning, saw it filled with Cavalry for one mile. I was at the Pat office in Col James room. He is [...]
SUNDAY 6 Still very hot with some wind and much dust. Been to Church all day. Young Mr Hopkins from Wmstown Mass preached this afternoon. He is a son of Doct Hopkins, President of Wms College. He is a very promising young man. I spoke to him after meeting, being introduced by Doct Smith. Our [...]
SATURDAY 5 Very hot again today. M. at 90 in the middle of the day. Went to the Treasury again but did not see the Sec’y. Was at the Pat office awhile and at Charleys rooms. He has rented the Basement room of the house he is in for a Labratory &c. Got down the [...]
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1861. Another hot day. Much as yesterday “danced attendance” at the Treasury most of the day without seeing the Sec’y. It has been Cabinet day and he much engaged. Think some of getting a room for compounding various medicines and articles for sale with the assistance of Chas — Must do something [...]
THURSDAY 3 This has been a hot day for the season. M. at 86 in the middle of the day. It has passed away without any particular incident occurring. Met John T McKenzie on the Ave. He agreed to meet me at Willards this evening, but he probably took the 6 o’clock train, as I [...]
WEDNESDAY 2 Called at the Treasury, could not see the Sec’y. Was at the Pat office an hour or so. Mr Scheopf has got his Commission as Brigadier Genl of Volunteers for the War. Troops keep coming from the North and some are moveing over the River every day. Unpacked our Boxes today and have [...]
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1861. Have had a hard days work moveing down our Furniture. Had six wagon loads left after our sale but I take back some articles from Mr Peck which he bid off having concluded [to] remain in the City awhile longer. We are in a very pleasant neighborhood and pleasant part of [...]
MONDAY 30 We have been all day hard at work getting ready to leave our residence on L St. I have rented a house on 9th St next door to Comodore Smith, No. 346, having 9 rooms and back buildings, rent $200.00 pr year. House in tolerable repair and convenient, shall move in tomorrow. The [...]
SUNDAY 29 Went to church in the morning with the boys. Dr Smith preached “Unless the Lord keep the City the watchman wait in vain.” From the way he handled the Text it was to be infered that the Army now here was of little account. He does not believe that the Lord is usualy [...]
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1861. A cool delightful day. Have been looking for a residence some. Houses very scarce at present. The fact indicates confidence in the stability of our Govt. The Hotels are not overcrowded but but the City is unusualy full for this season of the year. I was on the “Island” today, also [...]
FRIDAY 27 It has rained nearly all day and is very windy tonight. Called at office of Sec’y Chase. He and the Assistant Sec’y (Harrington) have both gone to NY. I was at the “White House.” Mr Scheopf, who is soon to be a Brigadier Genl, was there waiting to see the Prest. I had [...]
THURSDAY 26 We have thought considerably today of taking another house and remaining in the City. But decent houses for rent are extremely scarce now. Two months ago half the houses (almost) were empty and for rent. I was at the “White House” last evening. Saw Maj Watt and called at the residence of Gov [...]
WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1861. Busy packing boxes most of the day. We expected [to] give up the house on Friday morning but have concluded not to do so until Monday. My wife went today to pay her respects to Mrs Lincoln before leaving the City. Was very graciously received by Mrs L. and assured that [...]
TUESDAY 24 This has been a delightful day and our sale of furniture has passed off. It mostly sold at a low rate, but it was mostly purchased at Auction two or three years since. We sold nothing but the bulkey articles amounting to only $140.00. Fires seen tonight on the Virginia hills. Julia was [...]
MONDAY 23 Have had a hard days work packing up and geting ready to evacuate these premises. It is one of the miseries of Washington life that few of its inhabitants feel at home. The population is constantly changing. At just at this time a residence here is less disirable than usual, although but slight [...]
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1861. Went to ch. this morning with wife and the three boys. Wife & Julia went in the afternoon. Edd Dickerson called in the evening and took tea. Chas & Sallie also called about the same time. Went down to the camp to hear the music of the Regimental Band. It performs [...]
SATURDAY 21 Nothing new has occured recently although we are surrounded on all sides with elements which may be put in motion any how carrying destruction and death to thousands. Heavy cannonading over the River almost every day is heard from the Forts, practicing and getting the range of their guns. Have been at home [...]