WEDNESDAY 4 Mercury at 24 this morning, the air pure and bracing, in the office as usual all day. Bought some wood and coal this morning, enough I think to last till “New Years.” By that time I think the Potomac will be open or clear of Batterys, but it may be closed with ice. [...]
TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1861. This has been the coldest day of the season yet. M. this morning stood at 28. Have been in the office all day. No particular news afloat. Went down to the Ave after dinner, bot some Carpeting of “Barnes and Mitchel,” 20 yards for dining room and 28 yards stairs Carpet. [...]
MONDAY 2 A fine cool day again. The great event has been the convening of Congress. A quorum was present and a great crowd was there. No particular news today. Young H N Jr is makeing an effort to get the place of Page in the “House.” Went down to the Ave this evening, bot [...]
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 1 This has been a fine cool day, no frost but a fresh wind. Wife and the boys went to church. Julia went to the Episcopal church with Miss Hartly, it was Doct Pinckneys church. I have been in the house nearly all day reading &c. Went down town this evening, was at [...]
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1861. This day (the last of Autumn) has passed off without any particular event happening. I was in the office all day recording Patent Deeds. We were paid off today, my pay not being a very heavy amount having been in the office only six days. Did not get so weary as [...]
FRIDAY 29 A wet day and quite warm, no fire necessary for comfort. Have been hard at work in the office all day recording Land Patent Deeds, find it very tiresome. Have spent most of the evening at Chas Room with him and Sallie. News from the south looks favorable and in fact we are [...]
THURSDAY 28 Rather a warm day with rain this evening. It being “Thanksgiving” I did not go to the office. Did some fixing round the house in the morning and then went to Church with all the family. After church and after dinner went with the three boys to the “Monument” pond after aquatic plants [...]
WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1861. A rainy morning. Went to the office as usual and was very busy writing all day. Got with my stationary today a new Pocket knife and a gold pen with which I am writing now but I do not think much of the Pen. No further news from Pensecola. It is [...]
TUESDAY 26 In the office all day, weather rather cold and unpleasant. Wife and the two elder boys went to the Review of the Regulars, a little East of the Capitol, by Genl McClellan. News today comes through Norfolk of a Battle at Pensecola. Nothing definite known. I went down and spent an hour with [...]
MONDAY 25 Coldest morning yet. M. down to 32. Went to the Pat office and got my appointment from the Comr after going to a Magistrate and taking the oath, in such cases prescribed by law. Have been engaged in filling out certificates of Lands to purchasers. Nothing new in the military line today or [...]
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1861. This has been rather a cool Sunday with the first Snow of the season this evening. We have seen no ice yet, and no very hard frost. Wife and all the Children were out to church this morning. Myself and Julia went this afternoon. Chas & Sallie called and spent an [...]
SATURDAY 23 Rained last night and was a rainy morning, but it cleared off about noon. I went to the Land office today and was examined as the law directs for all clerks, but it is very much of a “humbug.” If it is wanted to keep an applicant out, it is a very easy [...]
FRIDAY 22 Saw the Sec’y this morning and presented Mr Lincolns letter. He was rather obstinate, could not restore me to the place I occupied in the Patent office at present possibly, but would give me a 2nd Class Clerkship in the Land Office for the present if I would accept of it. It is [...]
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1861. Cloudy morning but rather a pleasant day. I have been engaged most of the day at home, heard the boys recite their lessons. Went to the Ave, bot some oil cloth for our Parlor stove and cut it down to fit. Wife went up to the Presidents to see Mrs Lincoln, [...]
WEDNESDAY 20 Another fine day, much as yesterday. The great event of the day is the Grand Review which took place at Balls X roads some six or eight miles from the River in V.A. 75000 men or eighty Regts of Infantry, seven of Cavalry, and twenty Batteries of Artillery or 120 pieces. The Prest [...]
TUESDAY 19 A delightful day, bright but cool. Called up to the “White House” this morning to see Maj Watt, did not find him. Walked into the “East room” to see the New Carpet and papering, all very elegant. Called at Willards, met Doct Harris of the R.I. Brigade. He was released from Richmond on [...]
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1861. Cold, clear day but no frost. Went to Geotown in the morning to pay my rent. Got there an hour too early, waited in the Hotel (reading the morning paper) for Mr Bangs. Walked over and rode in the omnibus back. Bought a fine board for the parlor. Have concluded to [...]
SUNDAY 17 Cool, pleasant day, did not go out to church. Wife and the boys went. Julia is still confined to the house and coughs a good deal yet. Took a long walk this evening, brought up at Willards Hotel. Saw Mr Stillson there from Rochester. Hotel very full, in fact the City seems to [...]
SATURDAY 16 The coldest day yet but no frost, a cold strong wind. The 11th Maine Regt passed through the City, just arrived. Capt Rogers of the 27th called today, brought letter from Doct Barnes enclosing $50.00. The City was thrown into quite an excitement by the news of the arrest of Mason & Slidel. [...]
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1861. A wet misty day and very chilly. Went down to Genl McClellans Head Qrs for Lieut Gaul in reference to his furlough. Went from there to the Post office and then home. Holms & [Vanamburgh?], privates of the 27th, called with letters from Lieut Swan. Elder Buck called with the furlough [...]
THURSDAY 14 A cloudy day with rain tonight. Lieut Gaul is still with us waiting for his furlough. I was at the Pat office and saw the Comr, got not much satisfaction from him. Shall now look to the Sec’y for fulfilment of his promise. Have been at home most of the day. Julia is [...]
WEDNESDAY 13 Another warm pleasant day. Went down to the War Dept with Lieut Gaul to see the Ajutant Genl, came back by the Post office. Have been at home the rest of the day, have exacted lessons from the boys in their school books. Positive news from the Fleet obtained at last, everywhere successful. [...]
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1861. A delightful day. Went this morning with Lieut Gaul to the Pay Masters Office, and from there to the U.S. Treasury. From thence I went to the Pat office where I had an interview with the Comr. He requested me to call again on Thursday. The question is a place. He [...]
MONDAY 11 A windy morning with a storm threatened. Tent rather airy but slept pretty well. Went round and bade my friends good bye and started for home with Lieut Gaul about one o’clock in a hack which took us to Alexandria where we took the Boat for Washington. Got home about 3 o’clock. The [...]
SUNDAY 10 A bright fine morning. Went out to the Sunday Inspection of the Regt. Saw all the officers afterwards. Visited the qrs of the men of the Lyons Co. The men were all extremely glad to see me at the Camp again. Chaplin Buck held services near his tent about 3 o’clock and a [...]