SUNDAY 29 A mild cool day. All the family went to church but myself. I staid with the Col who is improving and has spent most of the day down in our family room. It has been quite a still day. No soldiers (in bodys) have passed and but little druming and Bugle blowing has [...]
SATURDAY 28 A good deal of excitement in the City in reference to the surrender of Mason and Slidel. I suppose it was the only way to avert a war with England, which at this particular juncture would be an increase of business for the Country not very desirable. But a War with England on [...]
FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1861. Rather cooler today and windy this evening. Col Mirrick has been in bed all day and complains of his head very much. I think it originates from a billious stomach, it may be congestion. A fire last night destroyed some Govt Stables and burned up some 150 230 horses. Genl Scott [...]
THURSDAY 26 Another moderate day, went to the office as usual. About 10 a.m. Col Ira Merrick from Lyons called with Ed Dickerson. E. went on to Baltimore and I went to the Capitol with the Col, visited both Houses of Congress. The Col came up to Dinner with us in the evening, he was [...]
WEDNESDAY 25 This has been “Christmas day” and a very pleasant day, not cold enough to freeze, but the air clear and braceing. I have spent the day at home fixing up things and did not go out till evening when I spent a couple of hours at Chas room with Mr Copersmith, Mis Wells [...]
TUESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1861. A fine Cool day, just freezing. Everybody preparing for “Christmas.” Turkeys from $1.75 to $4.00 a piece, rather “strong” that. Office not open tomorrow, it will be a general hubbub all over the City. The day will open with guns and fire crackers. Were it not for the shoulder straps one [...]
MONDAY 23 Cold and windy with some snow but not enough to remain on the ground. News from England looks squaly. England is seeking a pretext for engaging in the quarrel on the Side of the rebels. We are likely to have our hands full. Our people are “fighting mad” with England whether the fight [...]
SUNDAY 22 It is colder today but rains tonight with a prospect of a long rain. I have not been out to church today but staid at home to keep up fires &c and boil hominy. Went down to Willards, found a great crowd. Met Capt Dexter of the R.I. 1st Regt which came here [...]
SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1861. It is cooler tonight and freezes some. The news from Missouri is rcd with great Satisfaction. It now looks as though the Rebels would receive but little else than hard knocks everywhere our troops have got up to the “fighting pitch” and have become too wary to be caught in any [...]
FRIDAY 20 Warm and pleasant but indications of rain, in the office as usual. News tonight of a Union Victory in Missouri. Other Union Victories will soon be heard from. I called at the “Chronicle” office this evening & subscribed for the Chronicle and the “Phil’a Press.” Called over to the Clarendon Hotel, and then [...]
THURSDAY 19 Foggy morning but warm during the day. No particular news today. I have been in the office as usual. The boys have been up to the Presidents most of the day. The two Lincoln boys were here after them. They did not return till dark. I have made a wooden model of my [...]
WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1861. The weather continues delightful but there are today indications of rain. We have heard all day heavy guns. Some in the distance are the rebel guns at Centreville. They are practicing too. Troops have been moveing about the City a good deal today. We are expecting important news from various quarters, [...]
TUESDAY 17 Most beautiful day, warm as May, in the office all day. Two dead Soldiers carried out of the Hospital. They say that there is about one death pr day there. Tonight myself and wife went to the Presidents Levee, first of the Season. Genl McClellan & Lady was there and we were frequently [...]
MONDAY 16 Delightful day. Some excitement in the City at the news from England in relation to the arrest of “Mason” and “Slidel.” Some predict a war with her. But I do not. It is only giving her a dose of her own Medicine. The Law of Nations is also on our side, and She [...]
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1861. Pleasant as ever today and the nights are now brilliant with a full moon and clear atmosphere. The Military Band in our vicinity performs almost every night an hour or two, discoursing most splendid music last night. They were Seranading Com Wilkes, the Captor of Slidel & Mason. I did not [...]
SATURDAY 14 Weather fine yet, dry and not freezing. Nothing new of any great importance. I was in the Office all day. One of the Halls in the Patent Office is used as a Military Hospital, about 100 Soldiers from the Indiana Regts are sick there. Two Dead were carried out today. Prof Sparks, the [...]
FRIDAY 13 Another fine cool day, just comfortable with a fire. Was in the office all day. Prof Sparks called upon me and spent sometime. Mr Daws M.C. also brot a Mr Eldridge to me (from Williamstown) to me, who also had a letter of introduction from C R Taft. He is here after office. [...]
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1861. A fine cool day but not freezing. No special event has happened that I know of. I have been engaged in the Office as usual. Tonight I put up my Shelf in the lower Hall for a Hat Shelf. I brot it from one of the Camps over the River. Much [...]
WEDNESDAY 11 Quite cool and very windy today. “Willie” is quite Smart today. The trouble with him was all owing to his stomachs having rebelled against the unconstitutional demands which he in his voracity made upon it. A dose of castor oil quelled the insurection and all his internal operations returned to their accustomed quiet [...]
TUESDAY 10 Too warm today for comfort. The Sun was quite oppressive in the middle of the day. Nothing new has taken place that I am aware of worth mentioning. I have spent the evening at home. Miss Mary Middleton called and at 9 o’clock I went over on to NY Ave for Julia, she [...]
MONDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1861. The day has been warm and soft as May. No fires necessary in the house. The northern soldiers are highly delighted with this kind of winter. Nothing new in the City. The immence Army near the City keep so quiet that we hard[ly] realize that 250,000 Soldiers are within a few [...]
SUNDAY 8 A warm pleasant day, too warm for an overcoat. Went to church all day with the Family. Doct Smith preached in the morning, Mason Noble in the afternoon. Doct Smith attended the funeral of an old member of the Col[or]ed Pres[byteria]n Church. Walked with wife up to Franklin Square, called on our return [...]
SATURDAY 7 Another very delightful day. But it was a foggy morning, busy in the office all day. There has been heavy firing heard all day over the River. There has been no Battle and they are only practicing at the Forts. The force over the River is now said to be 200,000 men. There [...]
FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1861. Pleasant day, fine as could be. The City all alive with people. Penn Ave is thronged from morning till late at night. I was in the office all day. At night went down to the Hotels. Called upon Judge Granger at the “Washington House.” At the “National” met W F Aldrich [...]
THURSDAY 5 This has been a very pleasant day, bright & not cold. The nerves of the old ladies have been greatly tried today by the constant firing across the River. It has been almost incessant. But it was all practice. I have been putting down Carpet and quite weary. Our dining room is now [...]