January 1st 1865 “New Years” has passed off very pleasantly. There has been a great deal of “Calling” and the City has been full of people. There was a great rush at the Presidents House. I went the “rounds” calling upon most of the Heads of Departments. I noticed a great contrast betwen this “New [...]
Dec 25th 1864 We get Shermans official Dispatch this morning. He has taken Savannah without a fight. The Rebel Army escaped. Large Stores of all kinds, near 200 Cannon and 25000 Bales of Cotton fell into our hands. Charleston and Willmington must follow soon, and then I think that Sherman will have to come and [...]
Washington Dec 20th/64 No news from Sherman (officialy) as yet as to his taking Savannah but we consider it as good as ours. He has got to the coast with very little opposition, and with very little loss after his 300 Miles March. It is the greatest feat of the War. He has shown himself [...]
Dec.14th 1864 (Washington) The City seems to be overflowing with people, rents are constantly rising and prices of everything raise in proportion. A person cannot find common Board now (meals only) for less than $25 pr month, and from that to $50 and $60. The Hotels here are now charging from $4.00 to $5.00 pr [...]
Washington Dec 8th 1864 Congress is in Session. The long looked for Message was sent in the next day the 6th and the Reports of the Secretaries have been published. Mr Lincoln does not express any hope for immediate Peace. He says when the Rebels cease fighting the War will cease. “Lay down your Arms” [...]
Dec 4th 1864 (Sunday) The weather has been warm and pleasant for some ten days past, it has been “Indian Summer” with a soft balmy air and smokey atmosphere, the pleasantest days of the year. Today it has been delightful. I went to the 4½ Street Church, the 1st Pres[byterian] (Doct Sunderlands) to hear the [...]
Thursday Dec 1st 1864 Since my last date the Presidential Election has passed off quietly and Mr Lincoln is re-Elected, every non Slave holding State but one (New Jersey) going for him. No very great Battles have been fought lately. Genl Grant made an unsuccessful attack upon the Rebel works in Oct. Since which time [...]
Washington Oct 11th 1864 The State Election in P.a. Ohio & Indiana “comes off” today and excite much interest as the result in those States will indicate pretty surely what will be the result there in Nov. I have been down to the Republican Head Qrs on 9th St but no news had been rcd [...]
Washington Oct 3rd 1864 What a hiatus in my Journal!! Since I last wrote I have been at home six weeks having started the very next day, the 17th July. I was a good deal out of health when I went away, the extreme hot weather had nearly “used me up.” I did not return [...]
Washington July 16th 1864 Very little has been heard of the rebels in this vicinity for the last three or four days. They seem to have departed with their plunder (some eight thousand horses and two or three thousand head of cattle). No information has as yet been published that we have succeeded in recapturing [...]
Washington July 13th 1864 Another day and the reports and the general belief is tonight That the rebels have left or are leaving Maryland and crossing the River back into Virginia. Efforts are being made to intercept them which may prove partialy successful. They have undoubtedly a large amount of plunder, Cattle, Horses, &c. I [...]
Washington July 12th 1864 Well, the day has passed away and no serious attack has been made upon the City. But there has been constant skirmishing along the line of work north of the City and today the rebels have cut and destroyed the Rail Road for some miles betwen here and Baltimore, Burning the [...]
Washington July 11th 1864. Monday. Yesterday we thought the rebels were at or near Baltimore, today we find them in large force within from four to six miles of this City. Considerable skirmishing has been going on just outside of the line of Fortifications north of the City. But as yet there has been no [...]
Washington Sunday July 10th 1864 I went this morning over to Georgetown Heights, “Clifton” (the late Col Ellet place), and have spent the day with Chas and family very quietly. I could hear the Drums beating most of the day in Washington and on my return tonight about eight o’clock in the “Cars” the street [...]
July 4th 1864 (Monday) No organized Celebration of the Day has taken place here, but all seem to [have] celebrated more or less on their “own hook.” There were orations delivered by gentlemen residing here at some of the Hospitals and the inmates had extra fare &c. I met Capt Sebastian Holmes of Lyons in [...]
Washington Saturday July 9th 1864 A week ago I intended to be at home now but I cannot well leave the office at present as there is now something of a press of business with the Examining Board. More than that I would not like to leave the City while the Rebels are threatening it. [...]
Washington June 28th 1864 In looking over my last “minutes” I see that I stated that Petersburgh was taken, but altho it was so reported it is not taken yet. Frequent attacks upon the defences have been made and some of the out works have been carried, but the City is still held by the [...]
Washington June 18th 1864 In looking back through the past ten days I can fix upon no very striking event that has taken place. Army operations of great importance have been undoubtedly going on, but no decisive Battles have been fought, if we except the victory of Genl Hunter in Western Virginia near Staunton. In [...]
Washington June 8th 1864 Fighting almost every day now before Richmond. Genl Grant is loosing a great many men but is also getting re-inforcements enough (perhaps) to make up for his losses. The Rebels loose probably more than we do as much of the fighting has been where they have been the attacking party. I [...]
Washington June 2nd 1864 No very great addition has been made to our stock of information in reference to army movements since my last date. Genl Grant had a pretty severe fight on Monday last (30th ult) but no particulars as yet. His army is near Mechanicsville some five or six miles north of Richmond. [...]
Washington May 29th 1864 We have had no direct information from the Army for the past four days until today that has been of much importance. Today it is said that Grant is on Lees right, East of the Richmond and Fredericksburg R Road and within twelve miles of Richmond. The communication is not kept [...]
Washington May 20th 1864 We do not get much direct news from the army today but there has been some fighting at the Front. All the news that is reported from there is always “a Victory” or a “great success,” “The Rebels defeated” &c. Such was the news with which we were regaled day by [...]
Washington May 18th 1864 There has been quite a lull in military affairs the past few days. The rebels are still strong and defiant. Genl Grant has been receiving strong re-inforcements since the Battles of last week and is preparing for another forward movement. There has been a great deal of rain the past few [...]
Monday May 16th 1864 It has been rather a still and quiet day. No exciting news has been circulated and it is understood that not much fighting has been done for the past two or three days. Lee is said to be now occupying a strong position south of Spotsylvania C. H. and I think [...]
Washington May 14/64 We hear nothing but confirmatory news today of what we had yesterday. At last accounts the rebel Army was fleeing before the Union troops. It is said that their retreat has become a rout. We hear today from Sherman in Georgia. He has taken Dalton and some 5000 prisoners and a large [...]