Saturday, 8th.—Struck tents this morning, and by sun-up everything was on the move. Marched to Copper Hill, where we took the railroad train, and were soon on our way to Knoxville, arriving there at sunset; but in a very few minutes we were aboard the train, and on our way to Chattanooga. (Note: picture is [...]
Friday, 7th.—Arrived at Camp Kirby Smith very hungry and tired; but some that were at the camp had rations cooked for us. (Note: picture is of an unidentified Confederate soldier.)
Thursday, June 6th.—Henry Smith and I concluded to wash our clothes to-day. Washed in creek without hot water or soap. Did not get them very clean, and blistered our hands in the bargain. When we got back to camps found tents all struck, and everything ready to move. Had to put our clothes in knapsack [...]
Monday, 26th.—I am more tired this morning than when I went to bed last night. W. E. Story, Adison Ramsey and myself, undertook to sleep together lengthwise of the hill. Had to lay a pole at the lower side to keep from rolling down the hill; but we soon found that would not pay the [...]
Thursday, Friday, 22d-25th.—Had to go on picket, away out in the mountains; thought it pretty doleful-looking place. Being on post at about 2 A. M. Something appeared; looking through brush, that looked like fire, so we whispered to each other: “Isn’t that fire?” All thought it was; then the question arose, who can it be [...]
Wednesday, 21st.—Marched to the Gap this morning by eleven o’clock; very near worn out when we got here; but towering cliffs soon made me forget being so tired, and after short rest began climbing up to satisfy my curiosity by viewing the surrounding country from the top of Cumberland mountain. Went up with Lieutenants Evans [...]
Tuesday May 20th.—Marched to Jacksboro to-day; camped for the night in apple orchard; some of the biggest apple trees I ever saw; one was eleven feet in circumference. Bushwhackers killed a man near here a few days ago. (Note: picture is of an unidentified Confederate soldier.)
Monday, May 19th.—Remained at Camp Kirby Smith until May 19th; ordered to Big Creek Gap; left camp at 9 A. M.; marched about six miles through rough country. (Note: picture is of an unidentified Confederate soldier.)
Tuesday, May 13th.—Moved back this morning about one mile, and cleaned off new camps. Orderly Harmon came round and said he wanted two good-looking men—men that the ladies loved to walk with—and detailed Brother Tom and myself, and then sent us out to dig sinks. Such is life—in camps. Dress parade this eve; notified that [...]
May 12th.—Started for Clinton about 8 A. M.; went on train to Copper Hill. Had to leave our mess box; think we will get it again in few days. Marched and found regiment camped on bank of Clinch River, about sundown. (Note: picture is of an unidentified Confederate soldier.)
May 11th.—Slept on floor; thought it a pretty hard bed, but guess we will have to get used to such. Took train at 2 A. M.; arrived at Knoxville, A. M. Went out to where some sick are staying in camp; drew guns, knapsacks, etc. Well, here comes trouble! Don’t think this concern will hold [...]
May 10th.—Bid farewell to friends and home; took train at Ringgold, Ga., at 2 P. M. Arrived at Chattanooga, 6 o’clock; remained in car-shed until 2 A. M. (Note: picture is of an unidentified Confederate soldier.)
April 24th.—Volunteered at Chattanooga, Tenn., in Company F, 39th Georgia Regiment of Infantry. Privileged to stay at home until May 10th. (Note: picture is of an unidentified Confederate soldier.)
Writing in the early 1900s, Robert M. McGill, a former “Confederate Soldier Boy” recalls slavery in North Georgia. Note: Robert M. McGill’s diary begins in April 1862. The 463 entries in it will be published here day-by-day with each entry posted 160 years after the original entry. Slavery in this North Georgia was a very [...]