Journal of Surgeon Alfred L Castleman.

Journal of Surgeon Alfred L. Castleman.


March 17th.–To-day our sick, instead of being put into General Hospital, are marched from depot to the camp. McDowell’s Division is ordered back to Arlington Heights. We are sending to Washington for our tents. Our General Smith is building stables, and it looks as if we were again settling down. What does it mean? Is [...]

Journal of Surgeon Alfred L Castleman.

Journal of Surgeon Alfred L. Castleman.


  An observation from 2012: The march back to Alexandria was likely on the 15th.   Please see discussion in Ron Baumgarten’s comment below.   – Mike Goad, 3-18-20121 Alexandria, 16th.–Received orders last night to march at 4 this A. M. Simultaneously with the receipt of the order came a northeast wind and heavy clouds. [...]

Journal of Surgeon Alfred L Castleman.

Journal of Surgeon Alfred L. Castleman.


13th.–A sad day is this. The effects of General _____’s vindictive meddling with the Medical Department are beginning to manifest themselves. When he took from me my well-trained hospital attendants and my experienced druggist, on the 5th inst, there were appointed in their places, men, worthless in the ranks, and without knowledge of the important [...]

Journal of Surgeon Alfred L Castleman.

Journal of Surgeon Alfred L. Castleman.


12th-–On examining the fortifications at Manassas to-day, we find them mounting “wooden guns.” Subordinate officers have no right to ask questions, but if I were not a subordinate I should be strongly tempted to ask if, in eight to twelve months of anxiously watching the enemy, it were not possible to find out the nature [...]

Journal of Surgeon Alfred L Castleman.

Journal of Surgeon Alfred L. Castleman.


March 10th, 1862.–Well, the Army of the Potomac is at last in motion. After having lain still with 150,000 men, comparatively idle, for nearly eight months, our National Capital besieged, its great thoroughfare blockaded by a foe of which we have habitually spoken with contempt, the Van Winkle-ish sleep is apparently broken, and we are [...]

Journal of Surgeon Alfred L Castleman.

“Nothing recognized but order and obedience.” — Journal of Surgeon Alfred L. Castleman.


5th.–The deed is done. The blood-hounds tracked out at least a part of their game. The following will tell its own tale : Headquarters ______ Reg’t _____Vols,” Camp Griffin, Virginia, March 5th, 1862. Regimental Order, No. 72. Privates _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____[1] are detailed for extra duty in the Regimental Hospital. They [...]

Journal of Surgeon Alfred L Castleman.

Journal of Surgeon Alfred L. Castleman.


27th.–Three days ago we received orders again to be ready to move at a moment’s warning. But here we are yet. I was in Washington to-day. Went intending to. spend two days and witness the “doings of Congress.” But, on my arrival got intelligence that Gen. Banks had crossed the Potomac at Edward’s Ferry; that [...]

Journal of Surgeon Alfred L Castleman.

Journal of Surgeon Alfred L. Castleman.


15th.–What a week of news, opening on us with intelligence of the capture of Fort Henry, with its list of high-bred prisoners. Scarcely had the sound of the cheers and the hurrahs died away, when Burnside startled us with an artillery discharge of news. To-day, whilst we were brushing out our “hollering organs” with alum [...]

Journal of Surgeon Alfred L Castleman.

Journal of Surgeon Alfred L. Castleman.


9th.–The Court of Inquiry to examine into the conduct of my hospital affairs yesterday, decided that they would not investigate–that the accusations were the result of personal ill feelings. At least, so a member of the court informed me. I begged him to insist on an inquiry, and the court has reconsidered its action, and [...]

Journal of Surgeon Alfred L Castleman.

Journal of Surgeon Alfred L. Castleman.


31st.–As a relief to the dullness induced by bad weather, and disappointed hopes that something will turn up to awaken the activity of the army, I am constantly amused by the merry chirpings of myriads of “crickets on the hearth.”[1] Now and then after night-fall a little mouse, nearly white, suddenly appears amongst them, and [...]

Journal of Surgeon Alfred L Castleman.