24 April Charles writes to Papa that he has been ill with Dysentry, he was better, and had been so kindly treated by Mr Nightengale and Comodere Tatnel. He says after this his letters are to be directed to Captain Morris.—He is in charge of the Warship. He had a very fine colt at Papa’s [...]
22 April. Virginia has seceded and all the border States seem to be coming in: the movements of the U.S. Government have been very suicidal every act tells in a way to benefit us. There has been a riot in Philadelphia in which the Black Republican spirit was fully exhibited, all the accounts tend to [...]
15 [April] This morning we received a very pleasant visit from Charlotte, she feels but does not know how to express herself. Mr Aiken also came over and paid a very pleasant visit. He told us of the early history of General Boregard, he was a graduate of West Point & the second honour man, [...]
14th [April] Lewis went down yesterday afternoon and returned today by an express train, he brings us news that Fort Sumpter is given up, after a gallant defence, when Major Anderson evacuated it, he requested to be allowed to salute his Flag, and Gen. Boregard said, that he had defended his command so bravely that [...]
12th April Things seem at last to have reached the War point. The 17th Regiment has been ordered down to Morris’s Island, and The Northern Government have sent to inform the Southern that they intend to reinforce the Forts, and collect the revenue. A fleet is expected off the Harbour, and every thing is in [...]
29 March We found that the list of Navy Officers published did not include John, and went to the City to have it rectified, or to find out why John was left out.—John says they have not come down to him yet, and he is acting Lieutenant, and receiving 15 hundred dollars, is in active [...]
[March] 20 Mr Grimball wondered at my enjoyment of the old letters, and says he does not like to hear them read, although he did not know any of the people. I say, for that very reason I enjoy “them”, they are no longer here but I rejoice that such charming, elegant people belonged to [...]
March 15 There seems to be every prospect of a peaceful arrangement of the difficulties between the North & the South. The Forts will be given up, and we will go on as usual. I have been reading some old letters for the last week, and they interest me so very much, they are from [...]
March 5 Mr Grimball went to Town to see about the boys. We understood they were to be ordered down to Morris’s Island & he wished to give them, William & Arthur, a little money towards fixing themselves comfortably. He found they were not at that time ordered: so he left an order for $50 [...]
[Feb.] 21 We had Annie Heyward and Ann Barnwell to dine on Wednesday, & Papa & Mrs W. expected, but her horse lame, she could not come Annie H. is quite a nice girl, she has taken charge of her little sisters since her Mother’s death, and looks like an amiable, motherly girl. She took [...]
10 Feb. Lewis went to the City & bought for me an old fashioned wed. ring for $3, a very satisfactory arrangement.—Lewis saw all the boys in Town, John alternates with Peter in harbor duty, and has a boy Bacot with him which gives him 4 hours sleep, he always has some man from the [...]
[January] 30th Lewis returned and had a very nice time was handsomely entertained and enjoyed the change, the negroes seemed to like it too. Mr John Townsand was very much interested in the Fort— Things seem to progress, the Southern States are going out one after another and the border states undetermined.— We dined with [...]
[January] 12th Lewis returned from Town with an uncomfortable account of the Forts, Sumpter is still in charge of Major Anderson and a vessel the Star of the West with men & supplies on board for the Fort, was fired into and prevented from communicating. Major Anderson declared the Port blocaded, and that he would [...]
[January] 7th Elizabeth arrived from the North with her Aunt, who went on to Butlers Island, where she is to stay for some time, a month at least. E. looks very well in health and in spirits, and gives a pleasant account of her visit. John has been appointed Lieutenant in the State Service, and [...]
1 January 1861 The year began with clouds & rain. I went out with Josey to Drive as Lucius was sent to the Depot expecting Mr Hayward & visited Mrs Wayne, Papa & Mrs Manigault, Papa out, Mrs Wayne preparing for a grand party, which must have disapointed her, as it rained all the evening, [...]
31 December —the last day of the year, a gloomy, wet day, which were it not for the busy occupations of each hour would be very trying to the spirits.—Went to Church yesterday, and heard an excellent sermon from Mr Dickson, a retrospect of the past year, a very instructive train of thought. I have [...]
29 December The Xmas passed very pleasantly with us, the boys were all here and we had a tree fixed off in a very lively and interesting manner with little Canibusses[?], ships, tables, chairs & dolls dressed, and lighted by little tapers. Papa dined with us, and we had a nice dinner and were [...]
[December] 15 [1860] It seems strange that we should be in the midst of a revolution so quiet, and plentiful, & corn for table up here. Everything goes on as usual, the planting, the negroes, all just the same; & a great Empire tumbling to pieces about us; and a great pressure in the money [...]
December 10 1860 We came up very nicely on the 3d Mr Grimball Ella Lotty Harry & Racky, the sky terrier, a most intelligent and affectionate little dog. When Lewis was in Liverpool, Bob Miller gave him this puppy, & he brought it home, we are all attached to her, and she enjoys the change [...]