Feb. 8—”Peace Commission” fails. Feb. 9—Regiment get away. Feb. 10—Fast and pray. Feb. 11—After prayer-meeting in Co. B, I am taken suddenly and seriously ill and stay in bed three days and nights. Feb. 14—Revs. Ira T. Wyche and J. A. Cunninggim arrive in our Brigade. Bro. W. stops with me; Bro. C. with Rev. [...]
Feb. 7, 1865—Rain and sleet. Our Division is ordered off. Three men in my Regiment had to leave their wives in camp. As the troops were ordered to “fall in” I saw the situation and made haste to tell the brave men that I would take their wives to the depot and see them start [...]
Jan. 21—Rain and sleet. Brigade goes on picket. Jan. 22—In camp. Rain. Jan. 23—Hear from wife. In trouble. God help her! Terrible cannonade on our lines till nine at night. Saturday, ride to McRae’s Brigade to see Coin, Jim and A. Davis. Preach on Sunday a. m. and pray with prisoners in p. m.
Jan. 20 – Return to Regiment with boxes. Boxes for the Soldiers. Families at home sent thousands of boxes to husbands, fathers, sons and brothers during the war. Some contained pieces of clothing that the soldier would fall and be buried in. We had no chance to wash and dress those who fell in battle. [...]
Jan. 1, 1865—Snow! Snow! Preach four times in the cabins of my Regiment. Jan. 2—Spend day with my brother Allen. Prayer-meeting nearly every night. Build stable for pony. Jan. 17—Meet Chaplains in Tabb Street Presbyterian Church, Petersburg. Jan. 18—Go to Richmond. Spend night with my father-in-law. Meet Mr. Mullins of Henry county, Va. Jan. 19—Hear [...]
Dec. 20—Go to my Regiment near Petersburg. Dec. 21—Very rainy. Dec. 22—Our Division is ordered off. Dec. 23—Capt. Ardry and myself still in camp with the baggage. Both unwell. Dec. 24—Division returns late to camp. Sunday, Dec. 25—I preach from the song of the angels, “Glory to God, in the highest!” This was the last [...]
Nov 17—Get to Staunton. See McGill, Downs and others. Go to Waynesboro with Mr. Withrow. All night on the train. Nov. 18—Get to Richmond and go on to Danville. All night in darkness. Nov. 19—Meet Bill Salmon, of Henry County. He is the only person I ever saw try to kill himself. At Mead’s Hotel, [...]
Sunday, Nov. 13—Army returns to Edinburg. I rest and dine at Mrs. Hoover’s. I surely needed rest after the fatigue and excitement of the last day and night. Nov. 14—Return to old camp three miles north of New Market. Nov. 15—In camp. Nov. 16—Worship with my men Ride by P’s. Division. Dine with Chaplain Carson [...]
Nov 12—Arrange to get Capt. Moore’s body up the Valley. Quarter-master gave me a wagon, team and driver. The Colonel of my Regiment detailed a man to assist me. Army was retreating. We pushed on to the grave. It was now dark and snowing. There were two graves! The good man living near by told [...]
Nov. 2—Preaching every night in Lutheran and Methodist Churches. At 11 a. m. a few penitents at prayer meeting. Nov. 3—I preach in Lutheran Church at night. Rain. Nov. 4—Wind and rain Regiment goes on picket. I get a furlough of 30 days from 17th instant to visit my family and attend my Annual Conference. [...]
Nov. 1, ’64—Solemn day! Set apart in memory of Generals Rodes and Ramseur. I preach in a. m. and Brother Carson in p. m. Our Brigade has lost 305 men since we left Winter quarters. They were killed and died of wounds. They left 105 widows and about 300 children.
Oct. 15—In line of battle. Oct. 16—Quiet in camp. I preach in a. m. and hold prayer meeting at night. Meet Rev. Hines. Oct. 17—On picket. Visit Brother Hines. Oct. 18—Preach to Johnston’s Brigade. Three divisions move all night to get on enemy’s flank. Oct. 19—Heavy fight and victory in a. m. But our lines [...]
Oct. 13—My saddle had been stolen during my absence. My baggage had been lost or misplaced. I found mine, Dr. Logan’s, Lieut. McNeil’s and Mr. Ball’s on a forage wagon. Sup with Brother Armstrong in W. and spend the night with our wagons near Fisher’s Hill.
Oct. 12—Get to Mt. Jackson. Find Dr. Triplett’s family in great sorrow. Rev. Henry Hardin, of N. C. had married a daughter of Dr. T. and had one child, a son, of one year’s age. I had seen the Rev. Mr. Hardin in the Valley a few week’s before. I called. Of the woman who [...]
Oct. 1, 1864—Move through rain and mud and camp three miles beyond New Hope. Oct. 2—I preach in a. m. Brother Power preaches at night. Oct. 6—Ride to Waynesboro. Spend night at Hospital of 2nd Corps. Oct 6—Go to Richmond. Oct. 7—In the City. Very busy. Oct. 8—Train late. Spend night at Mr. Goodwin’s in [...]
Sept. 22—Willie’s birthday. 7 years. Breakfast with Rev. Armstrong at Woodstock. He after many years gave a bright son to N. C. as a Professor in Trinity College. Return to Regiment. Fight and retreat to Mt. Jackson. Sept. 23—Fast and pray. Write to Mary. Occupy Rode’s Hill. Sept. 24—Retreat slowly under constant cannonading. Sept. 26—Pass [...]
Sept. 21—Go to Woodstock to carry Capt. Allen’s furlough. He had been wounded and told me he did not wish to be sent to a hospital. I made application for special wounded furlough, that he might go to his parents and sisters in N. C. I took it to the Regimental, Brigade, Division and Corps [...]
Sept. 19—Engage the enemy fiercely near Winchester and drive them, and they drive us. Gen. Rodes killed. Went into private house to see his body after he was brought into Winchester. His wife had spent some time in camp during preceding winter. We fall back to Strasburg, marching all night. Riding alone and very sad, [...]
Sept. 1—Regiment on picket. Friday, Sept. 2—Fast and pray. Sept. 3—Day spent in line of battle. Sept. 4—Move to Jordan’s Springs and spend p. m. in line of battle. Sept. 5—Move and drive enemy on Pike and camp near Washington’s Farm. Sept. 6—Rain, rain. Sept. 7, 8, 9—In camp. Meet Rev Hetrick. Sept. 10—Rodes and [...]
August 4—Move through Martinsburg and camp near Falling Water. August 5—Move early and cross the Potomac and camp a little beyond St. James College. August 6—Move early through rain and stop at Williamsport. Meet Mr. E. P. Steffy and others Quite a stir about those hostages from Hagerstown. Cross river late and camp. August 7—Move [...]
July 26—Pass on to Martinsburg, but the enemy was gone. Camp near railroad and begin to tear up the track. Hear Bro. Thompson preach. July 27—Preach for Doles’ Brigade. Bro. Powledge preaches for us. July 29—Division moves early to Williamsport Ferry. July 30—Move early to the camp we left yesterday. Hear from Mary. Needs bread [...]
July 24—Whole army moves back to Winchester and drives the enemy with terror from their positions above and about Winchester. Follow them four miles below Winchester and camp. Many wagons burned. Rain at night.
July 15—Buy a little black mare for fifty dollars from the Quarter Master. July 16—Ride early to Leesburg to get shoe and pants mended. Division passes Hamilton and cross mountain at Snicker’s Gap. July 17—Meet Rev. F. C. Tebbs. July 18—Hot fight near Snicker’s Ferry. Sergeant Black and others killed. Colonels Wool, Owen, Stallings, etc. [...]
July 13—Pass Rockville and Poolville. July 14—Cross Potomac. As I came near the river a straggling soldier shouted to me and asked me to let him ride the horse I was leading. I told him the horse’s back was so sore I could not myself ride him. In a sharp angry tone he replied, “Yes, [...]
July 12—Shelling and sharp shooting.1 Shearin and Penny killed. Dement mortally wounded. At night we begin to fall back. Tiresome night. Troops halted to rest ten minutes in each hour. Many fell asleep perhaps for eight minutes out of ten. Just before day I was so tired and sleepy that I turned aside to rest. [...]