Saturday, 27th–All things are quiet. The furloughed men left on the train this morning for their homes. This has been another very busy day with us, being our regular clean-up day. No news from the front.
Saturday, 27th–All things are quiet. The furloughed men left on the train this morning for their homes. This has been another very busy day with us, being our regular clean-up day. No news from the front.
Friday, 26th–A large number of the boys are going home on furloughs. Their papers came in from the front today, signed up, and the boys are to start home tomorrow. Thomas R. McConnoll and John Zitler of our company are among them. I am sending $25.00 home to father by John Zitler. That makes a [...]
Thursday, 25th–There are now from five thousand to six thousand sick and wounded here, and still more are coming. Though some of the sick are gaining slowly, yet there are from five to six deaths daily; there have been as many as eight deaths in a day, and not less than three a day for [...]
Wednesday, 24th–William Snow died in our ward last night. This is a dreadfully hot day, and since our ward is so crowded, we make this a special scrub-day, to cool the atmosphere as well as to keep the place clean.
Tuesday, 23d–Foggy this morning and sultry throughout the day. David Huff of our company died here today in the field hospital east of town, of the wound he received on the 12th of the month. He was a schoolmate of mine, and a good boy. He will be missed by all of the boys of [...]
Monday, 22d–It is quite cool and pleasant this morning and things appear quite lively in town. I wrote a letter to Mr. G. G. Evans, Philadelphia, ordering a gold pen, for which I enclosed $5.00.[1] [1] Mr. Downing says that was the last of his $5.00, for he never heard from the order.—Ed.
Sunday, 21st–It is the same thing over again—lonesome, lonesome, lonesome. The first thing in the morning is to serve each man with food according to his condition and the doctor’s orders, and then deal out the medicine. There is a death every day.
Saturday, 20th–This is general scrub day. We had a busy day in the hospital fitting out cots for the latest arrivals. Our ward is crowded to the limit, there being more sick and wounded here now than at any previous time. Our hospital number 4 contains only the sick. All is quiet. No news from [...]
Friday, 19th–A man by the name of Henry Neeley, a patient in our ward, died this afternoon of consumption. We were giving him cod liver oil, a tablespoonful six times a day. Nothing new from the front.
Thursday, 18th–It is the same old thing over and over. The first thing we do when sick and wounded soldiers come to the hospital, is to pack all their clothing, blankets, knapsacks and the like, store their accouterments and guns in a dry place, and deal out to each a cotton shirt, drawers, socks and [...]
Wednesday, 17th–No rain today—the first day without rain during this month. A train load of sick and wounded came in today from the front. The railroad is in running order again after the raid by General Wheeler, in which he tore up about two miles of track near Dalton, Georgia. It is reported that Wheeler [...]
Tuesday, 16th–There was a heavy rain this afternoon. All is quiet and there is no train in today from the front. I sold my American lever watch today for $33.50, which is $4.50 more than I paid for it in Davenport, Iowa.
Monday, 15th–It is quite warm. All is quiet. There is nothing new from the front. A large number of men left the hospital this morning for the front. I would like to go, too, but the doctor tells me that I can do more good by staying here and caring for the sick. This is [...]
Sunday, 14th–A hot, sultry day. There is no news of any importance. We are giving close attention to the very sick and the severely wounded, some of whom are dying every day. A Set of Resolutions. Resolved, That I may from this day learn something new from the Scriptures every day, and that I may [...]
Saturday, 13th–This is general scrub-day, and we are cleaning up the wards of the hospital. We have good food for the sick served to them on their cots. The convalescents go out to the dining room for their meals. No news from General Grant’s army.
Friday, 12th–It rained nearly all day. I received a letter today from William Green, my bunk-mate out in the front. He reports that the loss of our company in the battles of July 21st and 22d before Atlanta was four men: George Sweet and David Hobaugh killed, and H. Newans wounded, and Aaron Pearce is [...]
Thursday, 11th–A train loaded with sick and wounded came in this afternoon from the front. Some of our convalescents had to give up their cots to the sick, and go out to the field hospital, where they will occupy tents.
Wednesday, 10th–No news from the front. The sick in my ward are all getting along well, with the exception of two men who are suffering severely with inflammatory rheumatism. Some of the men are returning to the front, while others are going home on furloughs.
Tuesday, 9th–A train loaded with wounded came in last night from Marietta, Georgia, and they were sent out to the field hospital east of town.
Monday, 8th–This morning I was put in as head nurse of ward D, hospital number 4. My duty is to direct the nurses in dealing out medicine and attending to the needs of the sick.
Sunday, 7th–A train came in this evening from the front loaded with the wounded from the Seventeenth Army Corps. They were wounded in the battles of July 21st, 22d and 28th around Atlanta. There is still no news from Grant’s army.
Saturday, 6th–It is warm and pleasant again. This is general scrub-day for all the hospitals; the floors are scrubbed, clean sheets and pillow slips put on the cots, and clean underclothes are dealt out for the sick.
Friday, 5th–It rained nearly all day. The troops here are receiving their pay today, some for one and others for two months. Since May 1st the Government has been paying the privates $16.00 per month, which is an increase of $3.00. But money here in Rome is of no particular benefit to a soldier, for [...]
Thursday, 4th–It is warm and sultry. There is no news from the front. I am still serving the medicine to the sick.
Wednesday, 3d–Everything is quiet here in Rome, Georgia. There is no news from General Grant’s army.