Diary and Letters of Rutherford Birchard Hayes

“Our captains impress me, as a body, most favorably.”—Diary of Rutherford B. Hayes


Thursday, June 13, Colonel William S. Rosecrans appeared and assumed the command. Our regiment was paraded after retreat had been sounded. The long line looked well, although the men were ununiformed and without arms. We were lucky in having a band enlisted as privates at Ashland. Colonel Rosecrans is a spirited, rapid talker and worker [...]

Diary and Letters of Rutherford Birchard Hayes

“…the first regiment in Ohio in which the regiment did not elect its own field officers.”—Diary of Rutherford B. Hayes


June 10, Monday morning, after a few hours’ rest at the Goodale or Capitol House, we went over to the governor’s office and learned that the governor had made up a regiment composed of companies chiefly from the extreme northern and northeastern part of the East [State], the field officers being all from Cincinnati, to [...]

Diary and Letters of Rutherford Birchard Hayes

“This policy naturally creates some embarrassment, and may, or may not, work well..,”—Rutherford B. Hayes


(Private–Don’t show this out of the family.) CINCINNATI [COLUMBUS], June 10, 1861. DEAR DOCTOR:–We are not quite certain, but our matters probably stand this way. The governor makes up a regimental staff and assigns to it companies as far removed from it, usually, as possible. We are to be the Twenty-third Regiment and companies will [...]

Diary and Letters of Rutherford Birchard Hayes

Until the news of the advance into Virginia arrived, and the death of Colonel Ellsworth, there was a good deal of hesitation in the various camps.—Rutherford B. Hayes

Rutherford B. Hayes (young)

CINCINNATI, May 26, 1861. DEAR UNCLE:—. . . I have been watching the enlistments for the war during the last week with much interest, as the chance of our enterprise for the present depends on it. If twenty regiments enlist out of the twenty-six now on foot in the State, there will be no room [...]

Diary and Letters of Rutherford Birchard Hayes