Diary and Letters of Rutherford Birchard Hayes

“Many had never seen a mountain; none had ever seen such a reception. They stood on top of the cars and danced and shouted with delight.”—Rutherford B. Hayes


CLARKSBURG, VIRGINIA, July 27, 1861 (?) (I believe) Saturday (I know). DEAR WIFE:–Our second day, from Bellaire to this place, was an exceedingly happy one. We travelled about one hundred and thirty miles in Virginia, and with the exception of one deserted village of Secessionists (Farmington), we were received everywhere with an enthusiasm I never [...]

Diary and Letters of Rutherford Birchard Hayes

“What a calamity!”—Diary of Rutherford B. Hayes


July 22.–Just received news of a dreadful defeat at Manassas, or beyond Centreville. General McDowell’s column pushed on after some successes, were met apparently by fresh troops, checked, driven back, utterly routed! What a calamity! Will not the secession fever sweep over the border States, driving out Kentucky, Missouri, (Baltimore) Maryland, etc., etc.? Is not [...]

Diary and Letters of Rutherford Birchard Hayes

In temporary command. “A sudden responsibility for a civilian..,”—Rutherford B. Hayes


CAMP JACKSON, Sunday, June 16, 1861. DEAREST L–:–Morning work done and waiting till Dr. Hoge begins, I write to my darling wife and boys. Would you like to know our daily routine. (Mem.:–Colonel King commanding State troops and my superiors, Colonels Rosecrans and Matthews, all having gone home, I am now in command of all [...]

Diary and Letters of Rutherford Birchard Hayes