January 17, 1861, The New York Herald WASHINGTON, Jan. 16, 1861. The President adheres to his position in regard to the forts in Charleston harbor, and emphatically refuses to surrender Fort Sumter, and will so inform Col. Hayne, the special Commissioner from South Carolina, who came here to demand its unconditional surrender. Lieut. Talbot, one [...]
January 17, 1861, The New York Herald The news from Washington this morning is of the highest importance. Col. Hayne, the Commissioner from South Carolina, was informed by the President on Tuesday that any communication he had to make must be made in writing. Col. Hayne thereupon withdrew, in order to prepare his propositions, but [...]
January 17, 1861, The Charleston Mercury If there is any one thing more than another disheartening and disgusting, in the present juncture of affairs, it is the course of Southern politicians at Washington. In the past, their weak vacillations, their vain submissions, their short sighted selfishness, have reduced us to our present condition. Not the [...]
January 17, 1861, The New York Herald Our Washington despatches on Tuesday informed us of the arrival of the federal capital of Colonel Hayne – a special messenger from the Governor of South Carolina to the President of the United States. Col. Hayne’s errand was to demand the surrender of Fort Sumter to the authorities [...]
January 16, 1861, The New York Herald Since the secession movement has gained head the telegraph has been charged with giving it impetus by the circulation of false and exciting rumors. Those who make such accusations neither take the trouble of weighing the facts nor of contrasting the advantages of the present rapid mode of [...]
January 16, 1861, The New York Herald The Cabinet had a meeting yesterday, and decided to send any reinforcements to major Anderson at present. The instructions to the Major have not yet been completed. Messrs. Hayne and Guardin, messengers from the Governor of South Carolina, and Lieut. Hall, bearer of despatches from Major Anderson, arrived [...]
January 16, 1861, The New York Herald It is certainly very gratifying to all of us dwellers in the commercial metropolis to know that the Empire City stands firm for Union, the constitution and the enforcement of the laws. The hard times have thrown at least fifteen thousand workingmen out of employment, but as yet [...]
January 16, 1861, The New York Herald Our Washington despatches reveal the object of the mission of Colonel Hayne, the envoy of South Carolina to Washington. It is to demand of the federal government the surrender of Fort Sumter. The South Carolina authorities notified Major Anderson of their determination to capture the fort if it [...]
January 16, 1861, The New York Herald Much disappointment was manifested yesterday morning by a number of persons when, on arriving at the Park, they found there was no skating, although the flags on the cars still stated that the ball was up. Such deception on the part of the avenue railroad managers may have [...]
January 16, 1861, The Charleston Mercury The news from Washington last evening will strike every one with astonishment and regret, if not with alarm. It was expected, after the return of the Star of the West, that the settlement of the question which is now breaking up this republic would assume a less belligerent character, [...]
January 16, 1861, The Charleston Mercury The Northern papers, just at present, are filled with an amazing quantity of trash. Even those whose antecedents would lead one to suppose that they contained some fair amount of discrimination and common sense, seem now groping about like children in the dark, with gaping mouths, uttering unutterably silly [...]
January 16, 1861, The Charleston Mercury Feeling in the North and in the South. OUR SPECIAL WASHINGTON DESPATCHES. (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT.) Washington, January 15. – It is currently rumored in reliable circles today, that the Administration will withdraw the troops from Forts Sumter and Pickens before the close of the present week. A despatch [...]
January 16, 1861, The New York Herald The policy which Mr. Seward’s speech of Saturday insinuates, rather than avows, foreshadowing, as it does, some germs of good, correctly indicates to what extent republicans fanaticism has begun to recoil before the avalanche of destruction which is tottering over the country. Louis XI bows low, in his [...]
January 16, 1861, The Charleston Mercury New York, January 12, 1861. M.G. ROBERTS, Esq; SIR: After leaving the wharf on the 5th inst. at five o’clock, p.m., we proceeded down the bay, where we hove to and took on board four officers and two hundred soldiers, with their arms, ammunitions, &c. and then proceeded to [...]
January 16, 1861, The Charleston Mercury The Gothamites were jubilant on Thursday evening, over the following refreshing intelligence, which was circulated in the streets in the form of an extra, and on which some of the enterprising newsboys made a fortune: EXTRA. Latest from Charleston. Lieut. Hall, who was despatched by Major Anderson with a [...]
January 15, 1861, The New York Herald I do not know that I can find language sufficiently strong to express to you the unanimity and intensity of the feeling in this region in opposition to the perpetuation of the Union under the rule of President Lincoln and a black republican administration. That there are among [...]
January 15, 1861, The New York Herald The Cabinet had a meeting yesterday, and decided to send any reinforcements to major Anderson at present. The instructions to the Major have not yet been completed. Messrs. Hayne and Guardin, messengers from the Governor of South Carolina, and Lieut. Hall, bearer of despatches from Major Anderson, arrived [...]
January 15, 1861, The New York Herald Dark and discouraging as is the present revolutionary condition of the country, there is yet room for the belief that, though we are threatened with civil war, we may escape it, and that the Union, though broken, be restored, sound and enduring, from the crucible of a Southern [...]
January 15, 1861, The Charleston Mercury On last Saturday evening, Colonel W.J. Gunn, of the Seventh Regiment Florida Militia, received orders from Governor Perry to proceed at once to that the United States Arsenal at Chattahoochee, containing about 5300 pounds of powder, 10,000 pounds of lead, 120,000 musket cartridges, a 6 pounder, 57 muskets, cannon [...]
January 15, 1861, The Charleston Mercury That the sole conservative element, in the Government of the former United States of America, was centered in the Southern States of that Confederacy, is now made evident by the present attitude and progress of affairs at Washington. Bereft of that check upon the lawless will of a grasping, [...]
January 14, 1861, The New York Herald The Star of the West, now surrounded with uncommon interest on account of her adventure in the harbor of Charleston, finally returned to her dock at the foot of Warren street yesterday morning, where large numbers wended their way during the day to see her. The gates on [...]
January 14, 1861, The New York Herald Tomorrow will be a memorable night. The dissolution of the Union and the prospect of civil war pale in interest before the excitement of the great local event which is to come off. Tomorrow the Brooklynites inaugurate their new Opera House, which was the only thing wanting in [...]
January 14, 1861, The New York Herald The city of Mobile contains nearly 30,000 inhabitants, and is situated on the west side of the river of the same name, on a beautiful and extended plain, elevated fifteen feet above the highest tides; open to refreshing breezes from the bay, and commanding a beautiful prospect. The [...]
Jan. 13, 1861. The New York Herald WASHINGTON, The administration have not yet decided upon the instructions asked for by Major Anderson. The great point which the President is aiming at, and is desirous of effecting, is to avoid bloodshed and the horrors of civil war. Many people blame Major Anderson for not opening his [...]
January 14, 1861, The New York Herald Notwithstanding the sharp frost and bitter cold which greeted the sun as it made its appearance yesterday morning, the Park was visited during the day by at least seventy five thousand people, the greater part of whom were present between the hours of eleven and three o. At [...]