HEAD QUARTERS, ANDERSON’S BRIGADE, November 14, 1862. My Dear Mother: As I have another good opportunity of sending a letter the other side of Richmond to be mailed, I thought I would avail myself of it. One of our surgeons will leave in the morning for North Carolina, so that I can have my letter [...]
NEAR BUNKER HILL, VA., October 1st, 1862. Dear Mother: I have just received a letter from you, dated Sept. 2nd. It is the first word I have heard from home since I left Richmond (I forgot I did receive one letter down at Anderson’s station, 30 miles from Richmond). It appears that you have not [...]
HEAD QUARTER’S ANDERSON’S BRIGADE, MAR. BUNKER’S HILL, VA., Sept. 29, 1862. My Dear Mother: It has been some time since I last wrote you. I hope you have not been uneasy about me, for I have never been in better health in my life. During the past two months we have been on the march [...]
HEAD QUARTERS, ANDERSON’S BRIGADE, SOUTH SIDE OF POTOMAC, OPPOSITE BERLIN, LOUDON CO., Sept. 5, 1862. My Dear Mother: I guess you are all very anxious about me, that is to know my whereabouts. Since I last wrote you I have been through the most hardships that I ever have before. Today makes eleven successive days [...]
HEAD QUARTERS, ANDERSON BRIGADE, 30 MILES FROM RICHMOND ON MANAPAS RAILROAD, August 23rd, 1862. My Dear Mother: This is the first opportunity that I have had to write to you since we left our camp near Richmond. Mr. Christman left us, or rather parted from us, in Richmond as we passed through on our march. [...]
HEAD QUARTERS, ANDERSON BRIGADE, August 15, 1862. My Dear Mother: As Mr. Parker will leave in the morning for home, I thought I would avail myself of the opportunity to let you hear from me. There is nothing new to write in the way of “War News.” You hear everything that we do, and that’s [...]
HEAD QUARTERS, ANDERSON BRIGADE, RIPLEY DIVISION, August 11, 1862. My Dear Mother: I am sorry I have kept you waiting so long before writing to you, but I thought I would wait until I could have a talk with General Anderson to find out what I was to do before writing. I sent word by [...]
RICHMOND, VA., June 15, 1862. Dear Mother: I hope you are not uneasy about me because I have not written before. I knew if I wrote it would take a week for you to get it, so I put it off till I could send it by Mr. Albert Farmer, who will go tomorrow. The [...]
YORKTOWN, VA., April 13, 1862. Dear Mother: I commenced a letter to you the other day but was unable to finish it, being called off to participate in a slight skirmish with the Yankees. We arrived at this place last Thursday evening and having sent out our portion of the picket, of which I was [...]
HDQTS. SPECIAL BRIGADE, NEAR RAPIDAN STATION, VA., March 23rd, 1862. My Dear Mother: We received your letter last night dated the 6th of March. ‘Tis the first time any of us have heard from home within the last two weeks. We have had considerable excitement since you last heard from us. To-day, two weeks ago, [...]
March 14, 1862. Dear Mother: We are all well as can be expected from the situation that we are now in. We have retreated from Manassas on account of not being able to hold our position. We are now 25 miles from Manassas, across the Rappahannock, and camped upon a high hill that commands a [...]
MANASSAS JUNCTION, VA., March 5, 1862. Dear Mother: As I have nothing to do to-day, I thought I would let you all know how we are getting along. The weather is still very bad, ground muddy and miry as it can be. We all have had orders to have our heavy baggage ready to send [...]
MANASSAS JUNCTION, February 22, 1862. Dear Mother: I did not intend to write before the Captain came back, but as one of our men is going home on a sick furlough I though I would write a few lines to let you know how we are. I expect the Captain is at Richmond at the [...]
MANASSAS JUNCTION, VA., January 16, 1862. Dear Sister: I received your letter some days since and was very much rejoiced to hear from you, but I thought that you were a very long time in answering my last. It came at last and eagerly did I devour the contents and with what pleasure I lingered [...]
MANASSAS JUNCTION, VA., December 9, 1861. Dear Mother: I received your letter some days since and was very glad to hear from you and would have answered immediately but Walter has gone to Richmond and I thought I would wait until he came back. He went with a detail of men to carry prisoners who [...]
MANASSAS JUNCTION, VA., November 2, 1861. Dear Father: I received your letter this morning through Captain Barnes and I never was more surprised in my life, to hear that you had applied for my dismissal for, although I should like very much to go home, I do not like the idea of being discharged from [...]
CAMP PICKINS, MANASSAS, VA., NOV. 2, 1861. Dear Sir: Yours of the 29th ult. was received to-day, contents duly noted, and I hasten to reply. I must confess to a feeling of surprise that you desire the discharge of your son, Mr. G. B. Lee Battle1, 2, 3, 4, 5, from service, as I was [...]
MANASSAS JUNCTION, VA., October 24, 1861. Dear Mother: I received your letter this morning and was very glad to hear from you all, but was very sorry to hear that sister was sick. There were 544 prisoners brought in here yesterday morning from Leesburg, an account of which you have seen in the paper ere [...]
MANASSAS JUNCTION, October 11, 1861 Dear Mother: I would have written as soon as I received your letter if the box had come with it, but as the captain could not bring them with him, he had to get them transported on freight, which did not arrive until yesterday. You never saw such a mess [...]
MANASSAS JUNCTION, August 23, 1861. My Dear Mother: We received your letter this morning when John Clark came. George wrote a day or two ago, which you had hardly received when you last wrote. There is no news of any kind worth writing. George and myself are both well at present. It has been raining [...]
COMPANY F., FOURTH REGIMENT, N. C. STATE TROOPS. NEAR MANASSAS JUNCTION, VA., July 31, 1861. Dear Mother: This is the first opportunity I have had of writing to you since I’ve been here. We do not live as well here as we have, but we make out very well. We have to walk about a [...]
RICHMOND, VA., July 22, 1861. My Dear Mother: As George wrote two or three times since I have, I told him I would write when we got to Richmond. The first thing I knew this morning was that he was writing home, so I told him to leave some room for me and I would [...]
RICHMOND, VA., July 22, 1861. Dear Mother: We arrived here yesterday, and had to walk about four miles to our camps, with our knapsacks on our backs, and everything necessary to soldiers. Before we left Camp Hill, we got our state uniform, blankets and all the accouterments. We were nearly worn out after having walked [...]
CAMP HILL, N. C., July 9, 1861. Dear Mother: We arrived here about night, the day we left Wilson, and having raised our tents prepared to get supper, which we got about 9 o’clock. We are encamped in an old pine field, which is very hot, but the other companies that were here before have [...]
FORT MACON, N. C., April 28, ’61. Dear Mother: As there is a man going by Clayton tomorrow I thought I would write you a few lines, to let you know how we are getting along. We are enjoying ourselves as well as can be expected. We had prayers and singing this morning by Mr. [...]