September 14th. A quiet morning in our camp. Resting and trying to get a little comfort out of life. Talking and living over our service during the past year, not forgetting our unfortunate comrades who were killed and wounded, prisoners. The life of a soldier in war is a severe and sad one. Wonderful what [...]
September 13th. Clear cool morning. On picket. A shot rang out last night on the still air, fired by one of the pickets. Caused a little excitement. There was no real cause for an alarm. All became quiet. Pickets make a mistake at times. The regiment guarded a wagon train on to Halltown, about five [...]
September 12th. Cold cloudy morning. Ordered to the east side of the town, to make camp. Shelter tents put up. Picket line established out near the Shenandoah River. The fords must be guarded. Must keep a sharp lookout for Mosby and his guerillas. They know every foot of this country and all the fording places, [...]
September 11th. Marching orders came early this morning. On the backward march towards Charlestown. Go into camp on the south side of the town. A good bath in a large brook over on the east side of the town. Remain here for the night.
September 10th. This morning brings rain, making camp life very miserable again. Heavy cannonading to the south, in the direction of the Winchester and Berryville Pike. The enemy is still in the valley. General Early will have to keep a sharp lookout for our gallant Phil Sheridan. A large mail received today. A very great [...]
September 9th. Camp near Summit Point, our old battlefield, June 15th, 1863. Company drill this morning. Very strange to us. No other regiment out, in the face of the enemy. Battalion drill this P. M. The boys are all mad over it. The men need the rest. It is thought Captain Tiffany wished to make [...]
September 8th. This morning comes in cool and very cloudy. An opportunity given us to send money home. I sent seventy dollars to put in bank. Did not wish to carry so much with me. One cannot tell what might happen to a soldier, for we remember that every battle kills a soldier. Orders came [...]
September 7th. Storm cleared up this morning, for which we are very thankful. Relieved from picket by a company from the 12th West Virginia Regiment. Wrote a few letters. Weather clear and cool. Trying to get rest and sleep. When off duty call on members of other regiments. Very pleasant to become acquainted with soldiers [...]
September 6th. A cold rain storm set in last night. Relieved from guarding the wagon train. Orders for us to proceed to the front. Company A ordered out on the skirmish line, under command of Lieutenant Robert Kerr. Regiment in line in the rifle pits. Rations issued. Cold storm continues. No tents up. Out in [...]
September 5th. Cold cloudy morning. All is quiet. We have a long line of earthworks near Berryville, facing south. This seems to be another case of waiting and watching. Guarding the wagon train which remains parked. Nothing special has taken place today, only a cold rain tonight, making us uncomfortable.
September 4th. About midnight last night I was called up by the Adjutant to take a detail of ten men, go to the rear, find the ammunition train, obtain five thousand rounds of cartridges, five boxes. It was estimated the train was about a mile in the rear, owing to the enemy’s firing from field [...]
September 3d. Routed out very early this morning. On the march by daylight, moving slowly on towards Berryville. Reached the town at noon. Stop for rations. Sharp cannonading to the west, in the direction of Winchester. While waiting, orders came to camp on the west side of the town. Put up our shelter tents. Weather [...]
September 2nd. A very pleasant morning. Now wondering why we still remain in the woods. Believe the enemy must be in this vicinity in a strong force. Wrote several letters to friends at home. Later a surprise came when orders came to fall in for pay, the Paymaster having shown up in our camp. Too [...]
September 1st. Thursday. A very hot morning. Our regiment relieved from picket. Marched back to our camping place in the woods. A good bath in cold spring water coming out of the ground clear as crystal. There are many fine springs in the Shenandoah Valley. After my bath had a good sleep. Ready to eat [...]
August 31st. Camp in the woods. Called up very early. Our regiment detailed for picket duty. We advance towards the west, near Smithfield and the Opequon Creek. A strong picket line maintained. While everything is quiet with us, must keep a good lookout. Cannot tell what an hour may bring forth. We have been in [...]
August 30th. This fine morning finds us in the woods. We need this rest and sleep that we are having at this time. This is fine timber land. Great large trees, mostly white oak and black walnut. We are enjoying this very quiet time. Very thankful for it.
August 29th. Called up very early this morning after a quiet night. We are about four miles south of Charlestown. Heavy cannonading in the direction of Winchester, which lies about ten miles southwest of Charlestown. All is quiet with us as we rest and sleep. Rations are good and plenty. Consist of hardtack, pork, coffee, [...]
August 28th. Left Halltown and the earthworks very early this morning, following on after the rebel hordes who are under the command of General Jubal Early. We are pleased to be under the command of the Gallant Phil Sheridan. There will come a time when he will grab Early by the neck, we believe. Came [...]
August 27th. Came off picket duty very early this morning. It was discovered that the enemy was on the march southward. Some of our boys having recovered from wounds and sickness, returned today for duty. Some have died, others discharged from the service. Owing to the severe duty our regiment is greatly reduced in numbers. [...]
August 26th. This morning finds us still in line at Halltown. A large force of skirmishers ordered outside the rifle pits. Must charge on the enemy, drive them back. The enemy in strong force, well posted. The skirmish was hot while it lasted. A number of our boys were wounded, carried inside our lines. Late [...]
August 25th. Last night, under cover of darkness, a detail was made, about twenty men, ordered to advance and intrench, to try and dislodge the enemy’s sharpshooters who were up in high trees and making trouble for us, shooting at the boys, by improving every chance they could get. When the opportunity came, our boys [...]
August 24th. Routed out before daylight. Our brigade ordered outside the intrenchments to charge and drive the enemy out of the woods, also to burn a number of haystacks behind which the enemy kept reserves. As we started on the charge they fell back to their main line at Charlestown. The sharpshooters came out of [...]
August 23d. Sun shining bright this morning. Skirmishing firing began at daylight. A number of the enemy’s sharpshooters are up in high trees. They annoy us very much. Not safe to show one’s head above the rifle pits. Saw General Sheridan pass quickly along the line, just as a shell dropped inside our intrenchments. No [...]
August 23d. Sun shining bright this morning. Skirmishing ?ring began at daylight. A number of the enemy’s sharpshooters are up in high trees. They annoy us very much. Not safe to show one’s head above the ri?e pits. Saw General Sheridan pass quickly along the line, just as a shell dropped inside our intrenchments. No [...]
August 22d. Early on the march. Passed through Charlestown. Pushing on, after a march of about six miles, came to a halt at Halltown. A line of battle was soon formed under a hot fire from the enemy. Go right at work building intrenchments made of logs and dirt. The strongest we were ever behind. [...]