October 13th.–Rained all night; clear and cool this morning. The government publishes nothing from Georgia yet; but it is supposed there is intelligence of an important character in the city, which it would be impolitic to communicate to the enemy. All still remains quiet below the city. But the curtain is expected to rise on [...]
October 12th.–Bright and beautiful. All quiet below, save an occasional booming from the fleet. Nothing from Georgia in the papers, save the conjectures of the Northern press. No doubt we have gained advantages there, which it is good policy to conceal as long as possible from the enemy. Squads of able-bodied detailed men are arriving [...]
October 11th.–Bright and pleasant. All is quiet below. From Georgia we have many rumors. It is reported that a battle has been fought (second time) at Altoona, which we captured, with 4000 prisoners; that Rome has been taken, with 3000 negro prisoners; and, finally, that we have Atlanta again. I have seen no such dispatches. [...]
October 10th.–A white frost; first frost of the season. All quiet below. Gen. W. M. Gardner (in Gen. Winder’s place) reports that of the exempts and citizens taken from the streets to the front, last week, a majority have deserted This proves that even a despotic military act cannot be committed with impunity. Gen. Beauregard [...]
October 9th, Sunday.–Cloudy, windy, and very cold. Vol. Ii. 26 I hear of no operations yesterday, although, as usual, some cannonnading was audible yesterday evening. It is said Gen. Pemberton was in great perturbation during the several advances of the enemy last week. Like Boabdil, the Unlucky of Grenada, he lost some of his cannon, [...]
October 8th.–Cloudy, windy, and cold. The fighting yesterday was more serious than I supposed. It was supposed the conflict would be resumed to-day, but we have no information of any fighting up to this hour–5 P.M. From Gen. Hood we have a dispatch, saying Major-Gen. French attacked Altoona day before yesterday. He carried all the [...]
October 7th.–Bright and beautiful. The government, after giving the news from Georgia, position of Hood, to the press, suppressed it. It is well, perhaps, not to permit Grant, who sees our papers daily, to know what we are doing there. There are rumors of fighting to-day near Chaffin’s Bluff, but we hear no cannon, except [...]
October 6th.–Bright, and very warm. The President returned this morning, hastened hither by the perils environing the capital. An order is published this morning revoking all details for the army of persons between the ages of eighteen and forty-five years of age. If this be rigidly enforced, it will add many thousands to the army. [...]
October 5th.–Bright, and very warm. There is a report that Gen. Hood’s army is at Marietta, in Sherman’s rear, and it may be so. One of the clerks (Mr. Bechtel) was killed yesterday by one of the enemy’s sharpshooters at Chaffin’s Farm. He was standing on the parapet, looking in the direction of the enemy’s [...]
October 4th.–Foggy; then bright; then very warm. Gen. Lee is at Chaffin’s Bluff. A dispatch from him this morning states that the enemy’s infantry are near Harrisonburg, in the Valley, and that his cavalry is retiring. 9 A.M. Another dispatch from Gen. Lee. The raiders’ cavalry, only 250 strong, are at Brandy Station, a body [...]
October 3d.–Misty and damp, but warm. Guns heard down the river. On Friday, it seems, the enemy penetrated and held a portion of our works below Petersburg; and although we captured many prisoners, it does not appear that we regained the works or retook the cannon. So far, although the enemy’s loss in men may [...]
October 2d–Cloudy and calm. All quiet. It was a false alarm yesterday evening. Nothing but some of the enemy’s cavalry scouts were seen from the intermediate batteries, and it was merely a waste of ammunition on our part, and destruction of timber where the enemy were partially sheltered. Not a gun, so far as I [...]
October 1st.–Raining and cold. Horrible for the troops in the trenches! The battle, yesterday (on this side of the river), was an attempt of Gen. Lee to retake Fort Harrison, near Chaffin’s Bluff, which failed, after two essays. Gen. Lee deemed its recapture important, and exposed himself very much in the assault: so much so [...]
SEPTEMBER 30TH.–Cloudy, and occasional showers. None of the papers except the Whig were published this morning, the printers, etc. being called out to defend the city. Every device of the military authorities has been employed to put the people here in the ranks. Guards everywhere, on horseback and on foot, in the city and at [...]
SEPTEMBER 29TH.–Bright and beautiful. As I walked down to the department, heavy and brisk cannonading below assailed the ear. It was different from the ordinary daily shelling, and to my familiar senses, it could only be a BATTLE. The sounds continued, and even at my desk in the department the vibrations were very perceptible. About [...]
SEPTEMBER 28TH. –Bright; subsequently cloudy and warm rain. Staunton was entered by the enemy’s cavalry on Monday afternoon. We have no news whatever to-day from any quarter. But the deep booming of cannon is still heard down the river, foreboding an awful conflict soon. I saw three 10-inch Columbiads at the Petersburg depot to-day; they [...]
SEPTEMBER 27TH.–Bright and pleasant. We have rumors of heavy fighting yesterday near Staunton, but no authentic accounts. A dispatch from Gen. R. Taylor says Gen. Forrest had gained a victory at Athens, Ala., capturing some 1500 prisoners, 500 horses, etc. etc. We still hear the thunder of artillery down the river–the two armies shelling each [...]
SEPTEMBER 26TH.–Bright and cool. Gen. Early is still falling back; on Saturday he was at Port Republic, but he will soon be reinforced, and may turn the tide on Sheridan. A long letter was received at the department to-day from Gov. Brown, absolutely refusing to respond to the President’s call for the militia of that [...]
SEPTEMBER 25TH.–Clear and cool. Pains in my head, etc. Hon. Mr. Foote told G. Fitzhugh early this morning that he had learned Gen. Early’s army was scattered to the winds; that the enemy had the Central Railroad (where?) and would soon have all the roads. This is not credited, though it may be so. There [...]
SEPTEMBER 24TH.–Raining alternate hours and warm. Had a chill this morning, and afterward several spells of blindness, from rushes of blood to the head. Came home and bathed my feet and recovered. Another disaster but no great loss of men. Gen. Early was compelled to retreat again on Thursday, 22d inst., the enemy flanking him, [...]
SEPTEMBER 23D. –Raining. Our loss, killed, wounded, and taken in the battle near Winchester, is estimated by our people at 2500. The enemy say they got 2500 prisoners. The enemy’s loss in killed and wounded amounted probably to as much as ours. Gen. Lee writes that, in his opinion, the time has come for the [...]
SEPTEMBER 22D.–Cloudy; rained much last night. The following is all we know yet of Early’s defeat: “HEADQUARTERS ARMY OP NORTHERN VIRGINIA, “September 2001, 1864. “HON. JAMES A. SEDDON. “Gen. Early reports that, on the morning of the 19th, the enemy advanced on Winchester, near which place he met his attack, which was resisted from early [...]
SEPTEMBER 21ST.–Cloudy and somber. We have authentic intelligence of the defeat of our forces under Gen. Early, near Winchester. Two generals, Rhodes and Godwin, were killed. We lost some guns, and heavily in killed and wounded. The enemy have Winchester, and Early has retreated, bringing off his trains, however. This has caused the croakers to [...]
SEPTEMBER 20TH.–Bright and pleasant. An order has been given to impress all the supplies (wheat and meat) in the State, and Gen. Kemper has been instructed to lend military aid if necessary. This is right, so that speculation may be suppressed. But, then, Commissary-General Northrop says it is all for the army, and the people–non-producers–may [...]
SEPTEMBER 19TH.—Clear and pleasant. We have nothing yet explanatory of the shelling yesterday. To-day we have news of an expedition of the enemy crossing Rapidan Bridge on the way toward Gordonsville, Charlottesville, etc. Gen. Anderson’s division, from Early’s army, is said to be marching after them. We shall learn more of this business very soon. [...]