January 21, 1861, The Charleston Mercury
In our telegraphic columns today our readers will find that which will please every Resistance man in the South. The promptitude and decision with which this great State has moved to the rescue and preservation of her imperiled institutions, brings gladness to the heart and joy to the face of every Southron who bears a soul within his ribs. It is the charge of the ‘Tenth Legion’ of victory. The Southern blood is up. The people are rising in their might. They have burst the bonds of parties, and thrown off the colonial vassalage to the North, which fanatics and demagogues have sought to impose upon them. Henceforth the South must and will be free.
In alluding to Georgia, we cannot omit the opportunity of expressing our admiration and pleasure at the effective and lion like course of Senator TOOMBS. The days of TROUP have come again, and again we say, all hail to Georgia, the Empire State of the South!