Diary of Alexander G. Downing; Company E, Eleventh Iowa Infantry

Downing’s Civil War Diary.–Alexander G. Downing.

Friday, 22d–The citizens remaining in town, after so long a time, have become quite reconciled. Nothing new from the front.[1]

[1] In the battle of this day the Iowa Brigade was on the extreme left of the Seventeenth Corps, and all four regiments suffered in the number killed and wounded, besides losing many as prisoners of war. George Sweet of Company E was killed and Aaron Pierce was missing. The Sixteenth Iowa lost over two hundred and thirty, who were taken prisoners. This battle, known as the battle of Atlanta, proved to be the hardest fought battle for our brigade during the siege of Atlanta. Major General McPherson was killed in this battle, and the loss of our beloved McPherson was a great blow to the Army of the Tennessee. He was a noble man and kind to all under his command.—A. G. D.

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