News of the Day

A New Company!—The Leavenworth Vehicles!!

Daily Times
Leavenworth, Kansas,
May 8, 1861

We are gratified to be able to state that a new military organization has been formed in our midst, which promises to eclipse all others in the novelty and elegance of its equipments, and the simplicity and utility of its tactics. It is to be called the “Leavenworth Vehicles,” and will be under the command of Col. Callahan. The original intention was that each member should be provided with a horse and buggy, and the officers with rockaways. But, at the suggestion of Lafayette Mills, Esq., it was decided that the whole company should be equipped with the last-named vehicles, the other mode of conveyance having been rejected as a “one-horse” arrangement. Dr. Morris has submitted a plan by which all the members shall be officers, which proposition has been received with immense favor, and will, it is thought, be unanimously adopted. Another proposition is being considered, to substitute the “coach and four” for the rockaway. Each member must be provided with a feather bed, and a supply of “groceries” for use in case of sickness or excessive fatigue. The design of this company has been submitted to gentlemen of high military reputation, and has met with their full approval and endorsement. We shall be able to give further details in a few days.
P. S.—The Government will undoubtedly furnish the horses, carriages, and commissions to the entire company.
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