The Rebellion Record – A Diary of American Events; by Frank Moore

A Diary of American Events – July 6, 1861

–At Washington orders were issued as follows:–”The State of Illinois and the States and territories West of the Mississippi and on this side of the Rocky Mountains, including New Mexico, will, in future, constitute a separate military command, to be known as the Western Department, under the command of Major-General Fremont, of the United States army, head-quarters at St. Louis.”

It having been ascertained to the satisfaction of the War Department, that First Lieutenant John Thomas Goode, of the Fourth Artillery, entertained, and had expressed treasonable designs against the Government of the United States, his name was stricken from the rolls of the army.

Captain John McNab of the Tenth Infantry, having, while in command of Fort Laramie, given satisfactory evidence of his disloyalty to the Government, the President directed that his name be stricken from the roll of the army.

The President also ordered the name of Assistant-Surgeon, Lafayette Gould, of the medical staff, to be stricken from the roll for refusing to renew his oath of allegiance.–N. Y. Commercial, July 6.

–The work of erasing names from the Guion compromise petition lists is in progress. On the fourth of July fifty-six names had been erased, and a large number yesterday and today. It is amusing to note the effectual manner in which the names are erased. In most cases it is impossible to decipher the name–it is out a crossing off, but a complete blotting out. Almost every person who has erased his name says that his signature was obtained under false pretences. One or two say that they were informed that it was a petition to the Common Council for an appropriation for the Central Park, and that it would afford an opportunity for the employment of laborers now out of work!


The story that “some one” (meaning Mr. Galon) had commenced a suit for the arrest of Superintendent Kennedy and Mr. J. B. Taylor, fur false imprisonment may be stated in brief: An application was made to Judge Leonard for an order to arrest these gentlemen, and the Judge promptly refused.–N. Y. Evening Post, July 6.

–Forty-five men of the Third Ohio regiment fell in with an ambuscade of several hundred rebels at Middle Fork Bridge, twelve miles east of Buckhannon, Va. Being surrounded they fought desperately for some time, then cut their way through the enemy and retired, losing only one man and having some wounded.–(Doc. 71.)

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