The Rebellion Record – A Diary of American Events; by Frank Moore

A Diary of American Events.–August 24, 1861

August 24.–Depredations by soldiers on the property of citizens of Elizabeth City and County, in Virginia, occasioned an order from Gen. Wool, in which marauders were threatened with severe punishment–(Doc. 4.)

–The Cameron Rifles, N. Y. S. V., commanded by Col. Robert J. Betge, struck their tents at Hudson City, N. J., and departed for the seat of war.–N. Y. World, August 26.

–The Nashville American of this day says: We very much regret to observe that in some quarters, that are generally regarded as highly influential in moulding and controlling public opinion in the South, there is betrayed an evident willingness to create strife or dissension among the leaders of that grand revolution which is now exciting the respect and admiration of the civilized world, and is destined to eventuate in placing the South among the foremost nations of this or any other age. Whether this spirit arises from mistaken zeal of opinion, undue ambition, or envy of the prominent position of some in the revolution, we shall not stop to inquire. Whether it originates in all or either of these causes, it is alike calculated to lead to the most serious and disastrous consequences, unless checked by the patriotic unanimity of the people, in frowning down these incipient steps to party division. All the power, resources, malignity, and hostility of the enemy could not now do us a heavier injury than could be done by an angry, determined and acrimonious dissension, in which the people could be induced to enlist their feelings and array their strength on the different sides.

There is, indeed, no greater calamity that could befall the great Southern cause at this time than for a spirit of jealousy to get the ascendency in the councils of the Confederacy, or a deep-seated dissension to arise with regard to the conduct of the war, the policy of finance, or any other measure that may claim the attention of the Administration. Unity of action is so clearly necessary to the Southern cause, that we do not deem it necessary to illustrate or enforce its importance by argument. To the present time it has proven the chief strength of the Confederate States. That there will necessarily be differences of opinion, cannot be doubted. These are inevitable. They are useful. They promote sound views and healthy action. But these differences should be surrendered when decision has given place to discussion, and when the proper authorities determine on their policy.

The great mass of the people are prepared to follow those, whom they have chosen to lead in the war, in whatever direction they may designate. They are, moreover, prepared to make whatever sacrifices in fortune, in privation, or even in life, that may be necessary to maintain their rights, liberties and independence, and to secure for themselves and children the blessings of constitutional freedom. They have the highest confidence in the courage, prudence, judgment, and patriotism of those they have selected to lead them. No amount of criticism can shake their confidence, until the acts of the leaders of the revolution shall demonstrate that they are incapable of conducting our cause to success.

Their superior statesmanship thus far vindicates their wisdom. We will rally as one man, the people of the Confederate States, one and all, to sustain their policy, because it has proven to be the best, the wisest, and most successful. We will listen to no mere cavil. We will not forget that the leaders of the Revolution of ’76 had their rivals, even amid the storms of war. And we will remember that the patriotism of our ancestors sustained their chosen leaders, frowned down discord, and saved the cause.– Nashville American August 24.

–This morning James G. Berret, Esq., Mayor of the city of Washington, was arrested at his residence by a portion of the Provost-marshal’s Guard, and conveyed northward by the early railroad train. The causes of his arrest are unknown to the public. Several days ago he declined to take the oath prescribed by the act of Congress for members of the Board of Police Commissioners.–Capt. Robert Tansill and Lieut. Thos. S. Wilson of the Marine Corps, who had tendered their resignations, were also arrested and conveyed to Fort Lafayette. Mrs. Phillips, wife of Philip Phillips, Esq., ex-member of Congress from Alabama, and Mrs. Greenhow, widow of the late Robert Greenhow, were arrested on the charge of holding correspondence with the Confederates.–National Intelligencer, August 26.

–Last evening, while ex-Governor Thomas was addressing a crowd in front of a hotel at Cumberland, Va., some secessionists raised a disturbance which resulted in their being driven home and the destruction of the Alleghanian office, a secession newspaper. This morning the train bound West, which had ex-Governor Thomas aboard, when near Cumberland, came suddenly on several cross-ties thrown across the track, and at the same time a number of armed men were seen rapidly descending a neighboring hill. The engineer increased the speed of the locomotive, and succeeded in throwing the ties off the track with but little damage to the engine. Some Federal scouts then fired into the train, it is supposed by mistake, but without doing any damage. The design of the secessionists was to take ex-Governor Thomas prisoner.–(Doc. 5.)

–The True American, the Democratic organ of New Jersey, published at Trenton, suspended this morning, giving as a reason for the act that the National authorities had virtually interdicted the publication of every paper that did not support the Government and Administration.–N. Y. Times, August 26.

–Two attempts were made in Connecticut to raise peace flags–one of which failed, while the other was successful. The first was at Stepney, ten miles north of Bridgeport. According to previous announcement a meeting was to have been organized after the raising of the flag. No sooner was the flag hoisted, however, than the Union men made a rush for it, pulled it down, and tore it into shreds. A Union meeting was then organized, which passed a series of Union resolutions. Soon after the Farmer newspaper office, published in Bridgeport, was demolished, notwithstanding the efforts of prominent citizens to prevent it. The other flag-raising was at New Fairfield, where about four hundred persons were engaged in the enterprise. An attempt was made by about seventy Union men to pull the flag down, and a desperate fight ensued, in which two of the “peace” men were seriously injured.–(Doc. 6.)

–To-day a detachment of Col. Richardson’s Home Guards arrived at Jefferson City, Mo., from an expedition to Jamestown. This place is about twenty-three miles above Jefferson City. The soldiers left on Wednesday on board the steamer Iatan. They took no provisions with them, there being plenty of rebels in the vicinity they intended visiting, and were ordered to quarter themselves on the secessionists. At Sandy Hook they discovered eight mounted rebels on the bank, who, on seeing the steamer coming, fled. Ten men were immediately detached in pursuit of them, and, coming within sight of the rebels, fired. Two of them immediately dismounted and, leaving their horses, escaped into the woods– the horses and two fine double-barrel shot-guns were captured, and a lieutenant’s uniform fell also into the hands of the Nationals.

One of the horses had a sabre cut across the head, and the rider was known to have been engaged in the battle at Springfield. Meanwhile, the balance of the force were marched to Jamestown. About four miles from Sandy Hook they arrested two of the most noted secessionists in the whole State, George Jones and C. Hickox, besides seven other of lesser note. From the first-mentioned, who is a wealthy farmer, the troops took ten horses, and plenty of fodder and provisions from all the rebels in the vicinity. They returned with twenty horses and a considerable quantity of provisions and nine prisoners. One of the prisoners, put on a confession, divulged the names of all the men, eighteen in number, who fired the other day with such fatal effect upon the railroad trains. Jones was the President of the Knights of the Golden Circle. The property of the Union men was left untouched. –Dubuque Times, August 27.

–Hamilton E. Gamble, Governor of Missouri, at Jefferson City, issued a proclamation calling for forty-two thousand troops to aid the Federal Government in expelling the forces of Ben McCulloch from the State.–(Doc. 7.)

–The Memphis Argus of this day publishes the following proclamation from the Mayor of that city:

To the Citizens of Memphis: Applications hare repeatedly been made to me, as executive officer of the city, for protection against indiscreet parties who are sent out to impress citizens into service against their will on steamboats. Many of these men have been dragged from their beds, wives, and children, but never has there been a man taken who had on a clean skirt. I hereby notify any citizen who may wish a pass within the city of Memphis to call on me, and I will furnish the same, and will see he will be protected. One poor man being shot yesterday by one of these outlaws, as they may be called, causes me to give the above notice.

“John Park, Mayor.”

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