The Rebellion Record – A Diary of American Events; by Frank Moore

A Diary of American Events.

October 16.–At Annapolis, Md., a presentation of standards to the regiments of Brigadier-General Viele’s command, took place. The standards were the united gift of Mrs. Brigadier-General Viele and the Union Defence Committee, of New York. They were of the regulation size, made of the heaviest Canton silk, and fringed with heavy gold bullion. Each standard had an appropriate inscription thereon. Prior to the presentation ceremonies the entire brigade was drawn up on the College Green of the city, comprising several acres.

The first standard was presented by Governor Hicks, of Maryland. The presenter, attended by Brigadier-General Viele and his full staff, appeared in the front and centre of the regiment, and in a most telling speech, alluding to the present crisis, enjoined upon every soldier the necessity of carrying the National colors into theheart of the enemy’s country. The presentation to Colonel Rosa’s regiment, the Forty-seventh, of New York, was made by General Viele in person. The reply by the colonel was brief, but exceedingly apropos. The presentation to the Forty-seventh New York, the Washington Greys, was made by Brig.-Gen. Abram Duryea. The presentation speech was highly patriotic, alluding to the past history of the country and the cause of the present crisis. The presentation to the Forty-eighth regiment, Colonel Perry, was made by Governor Hicks. As each color was received the cheers of the troops and spectators were most enthusiastic, while the bands of the several regiments discoursed choice music. To Gen. Viele, whom the troops of his brigade style the “Big Little General,” and his lady were given the greatest lumber of cheers. The affair was one that will be long remembered in Annapolis, both from the importance of the occasion and the historical reminiscences of the city.–Baltimore American, October 19.

–Col. John W. Geary, of the Pennsylvania Twenty-eighth regiment, with detachments from his own, the Thirteenth Mass., and Third Wisconsin regiments, in all four hundred men, crossed the Potomac at Harper’s Ferry, and captured twenty-one thousand bushels of wheat stored in a mill near that place. While upon his return and on the Charleston road, near Bolivar Heights, midway between the Potomac and the Shenandoah. rivers, he was attacked by a large Confederate force with infantry, artillery, and cavalry. Rebel batteries upon Loudon and Bolívar Heights participated in the action, as did also a National battery upon the Maryland side. After several hours of intermittent fighting, the rebels were driven off, supposed with considerable loss. National loss four killed and eight wounded. Col. Geary took from the rebels one thirty-two pounder.–(Doc. 90.)

–Indiana disputes the statement that New Hampshire is the first State that has her full quota of volunteers in actual service. Indiana, whose quota is thirty-four thousand, has thirty-two regiments of infantry, of one thousand and forty-eight men each; one regiment of cavalry, being fourteen companies, of one thousand one hundred and fifty-three men; three batteries of one hundred and fifty-six men each, and one of one hundred men, making an aggregate of thirty-five thousand three hundred and fifty-seven men in actual service. In addition to this, there are six regiments now ready for the field as soon as arms can be procured, and sixteen more organized and rapidly filling up.–Dubuque Times, Oct. 18.

–The Twentieth regiment of Ohio Volunteers, under the command of Colonel Charles Whittlesey, left Camp Chase, at Columbus, for the seat of war.–Ohio Statesman, Oct. 17.

–A skirmish took place about five miles from Warsaw, Mo., between forty National troops and thirty-five rebels, in which the latter lost three killed and three prisoners. The Nationals escaped unharmed.–Cincinnati Gazette, Oct. 23.

–The Committee of the City Council, of Philadelphia, Pa., presented a sword of honor, on behalf of the city, to General Robert Anderson.

–In compliance with orders issued by the War Department at Richmond, Virginia. Colonel Adler, a Polish officer, recently attached to the Wise Legion, in Western Virginia, as an engineer, with the commission of colonel, was arrested by the Government detectives and conveyed to the Columbian Hotel, where, in consequence of his weak condition caused by a self-inflicted wound, he was permitted to remain upon parole until yesterday forenoon, when he was taken to the prison hospital as a prisoner. The charges preferred against him are that of the spy, and of holding communication with the enemy. Colonel Adler went to Richmond highly recommended as an officer of ability, who had served with distinction in the Hungarian war, and in the Italian struggle under Garibaldi, and upon these representations obtained a commission in the army. His unaccountable conduct in Western Virginia, exciting the suspicion of Governor Wise, he was, at the command of the latter, arrested as a spy. Upon hearing of his arrest, he attempted to commit suicide through mortification, it is said, inflicting a serious gash upon his throat, from the effects of which he is now suffering.–Richmond Enquirer, Oct. 19.

–One hundred and fifty men of the First Missouri Scouts, under Major Wright, surprised the rebel garrison, at Lexington, Missouri, and recaptured the place and all the sick and wounded, together with a quantity of guns, pistols, and other articles which the rebels threw away in their flight. Two pieces of cannon, which were in the fort, were also captured. The rebel garrison numbered three hundred. The condition of Lexington was deplorable. Portions of the town had been stripped of every thing, and many of the inhabitants were actually suffering for the necessaries of life.–(Doc. 91.)

–An immense audience assembled at Baltimore, Md., to-night, to hear the Hon. Henry Winter Davis on the rebellion. L. W. Gosnell, Esq., a Breckinridge Democrat, presided. Mr. Davis was received with the most unbounded enthusiasm. He endorsed the war policy of the Government to the fullest extent..

–Lord Lyons issued a circular to all the British Consuls in Southern ports that they shall take for their guidance the law of blockade as announced by the State Department, which does not permit vessels to take in a cargo in blockaded ports after the announcement of the blockade.–(Doc. 92.)

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