May 11, 1863, The Charleston Mercury
Some eight months ago, when the scarcity of shoes and leather for our army and citizens had become a matter of serious concern, Mr. JAMES McCAREY (well know for many years in Charleston as an extensive manufacturer of soap and candles) was among the few who set to work, with his ample means and tireless energy, to supply the want and, to the extent of his ability, to remedy the evil. With this in view, Mr. McCAREY purchased a tract in Pickens District, near Wahalla, on which a tannery had been in operation some years ago, and he immediately had the necessary repairs and improvements added to enable him to carry on the business extensively. Considerable time is necessary to put in operation an establishment of this kind, and to prepare the leather for its various uses; so that Mr. McCAREY has but recently begun to supply the country with the much needed article and to reap the benefit of what many of his friends deemed a perilous investment. So far Mr. McCAREY has turned out only calf and kip skins, and these are so finely dressed and finished as to rival the celebrated French skins. In fact, some of the artificers in leather, who have used the article, pronounce it fully equal to the best imported. This is most encouraging, and it is to be hoped may induce other capitalists to embark in the same business, as we require several such establishments to supply the demand of the country. He has a large quantity of heavy hides for harness and sole leather in course of preparation, which will be ready for market in a few weeks time.
Contiguous to Mr. McCAREY’S establishment is a spring, the water of which is peculiarly adapted for tanning purposes, and to this fact, probably, no small share of his success in the admirable finish of his leather is attributable. But the great cause of his success is due to the skillful superintendence of Rev. T.L. ALLEN, of Virginia, whose practical experience is second to none. Mr. McCAREY has made Mr. PHILIP FOGARTY, of Columbia, his agent for that city, and it is to be hoped he will soon establish an agency in Charleston. One of the skins prepared at his tannery may be seen at our office, and we invite those interested to call and examine it.