March 25, 1863, Galveston Weekly News
An army correspondent of the Chattanooga Rebel writes as follows:
Our army is again in a good fighting trim, and the ranks rapidly filling up by the influx of absentees. I suppose it is better clothed, equipped and fed than ever before. The country is bountifully supplied with game, but the boys are forbidden to shoot, for fear of hitting some general’s aid.
I have conversed with several intelligent and creditable gentlemen from Williamson county in the last few days, and they bring melancholy tidings of the fate of their gallant people. The country is being desolated. The Abolitionists are burning and destroying houses, razing fences, stealing horses, shooting cattle and hauling off all the provisions in the county not even leaving many families meat or bread enough for a single meal. They have broken up the wagons, hoes, and plows, destroyed the harness, and everything that can be employed in cultivating the earth. The officers boldly proclaim that the people shall not raise another crop. Citizens are robbed of their money, and their houses pillaged of every article of wearing apparel, and bed clothing, and their furniture and table ware broken and ruined by heartless scoundrels. I was informed of three instances of my acquaintance in which fair, modest, virtuous young women were ruthlessly violated by the hellish ruffians. These are not pictures woven by fancy, nor the creation of vague rumors, but facts attested by authorities that cannot be questioned. If retributive justice is no myth of fancy, it surely is time now for an exhibition of its power. When the men of the country are torn from their homes to fight for the government, that government should take some retaliatory steps to protect their helpless families from the hands of the incendiary and the ravisher.