Left bank, Cape Fear River, Opposite Fayetteville, March 15, 1865. Everything valuable to the Rebels has been destroyed, and we are about ready to push on to Goldsboro. Fayetteville is about a 3,000 town, nearly all on one street. There was a very fine United States Arsenal burned here, some 20 good buildings, all of [...]
Wednesday, 15th–We were on the move at 7 a. m. and marched ten miles today. Went into bivouac near the Black river. The section of the country through which we passed today is almost one continuous swamp and heavily timbered. There is a small farm now and then. The corps took different roads and so [...]
15th. Reveille at 1:30. Moved out on wrong road. Went to Ashland–stayed all day. Pickets rebel division came up and attacked us. 2nd drove back the advance. 2nd N. Y. lost several men. Camped north of the North Anna at 12 P. M. Heard firing from Richmond.
March 15th. Orders received for our regiment to report at Martinsburg. Must leave our winter quarters at Halltown. We are relieved by the 144th Indiana Regiment. Busy packing up, as we are to march tomorrow. Will pass one more night in our winter quarters. Time has passed very pleasant in this camp during the winter.
March 15th.–Warm and cloudy. My cabbages coming up in the garden. The papers contain no war news whatever, yet there is great activity in the army. Sheridan’s column is said to be at Ashland, and Grant is reported to be sending swarms of troops to the north side of the river, below, “in countless thousands.” [...]
March 15th, 1865.—I am afraid we have the swell-head because we repulsed the enemy and made him take to his gun-boats. It seems to have put new life and hope in us all. The news from the armies is a mixture of good and bad; more funds are needed for the hospitals and Leon County [...]
March 15th.–Lawrence says Miss Chesnut is very proud of the presence of mind and cool self-possession she showed in the face of the enemy. She lost, after all, only two bottles of champagne, two of her brother’s gold-headed canes, and her brother’s horses, including Claudia, the brood mare, that he valued beyond price, and her [...]