Monday, 13th–The Seventeenth Corps crossed the river this morning and marched out about a mile, where we halted till late in the afternoon, when we moved forward three miles and went into bivouac for the night. Three more boats came up from Wilmington today. They are to be loaded with the refugees and contrabands gathered [...]
13th. Monday. Reveille at 4 A. M. Out at 5:30. Went out on R. R. and destroyed a great distance of the R. R. The boys worked with a will. Burned several warehouses full of tobacco. Lay in camp from 1 A. M. 1st Div. up the R. R.
March 13th. A little excitement this morning. Rebel cavalry made a dash for our picket line. Regiment called out, soon in line. We saw the rebs going up the valley, running their horses. More fresh fish received, as we call the recruits. A muddy time in camp, and bad weather.
March 13th.–Bright and pleasant. The reports of the army of Sheridan (mostly mounted infantry) being within a few miles of the city were at least premature. Subsequent reports indicate that none of the enemy’s cavalry have been in the vicinity of Richmond, but that his force, a pretty strong one, is some 20 miles up [...]