March 10th, 1865.—Not one of the cadets was hurt. Not many went, because none were permitted to go without a written permit from their parents and those who went are so proud and those who did not go are so chagrined. It is funny to hear them talk it over. Charley says, “we stayed right [...]
March 10th.–Went to church crying to Ellen, “It is Lent, we must fast and pray.” When I came home my good fairy, Colonel Childs, had been here bringing rice and potatoes, and promising flour. He is a trump. He pulled out his pocket-book and offered to be my banker. He stood there on the street, [...]
March 10.—Still we go on as heretofore, hoping and praying that Richmond may be safe. Before Mr. Hunter (Hon. R. M. T.) left Richmond, I watched his countenance whenever I heard the subject mentioned before him, and though he said nothing, I thought he looked sad. I know that he understands the situation of affairs [...]