Tuesday, 31st–We remained in bivouac all day and have heard no news. We drew some clothing today. Our camp is located about thirty miles northwest of Beaufort. The country is very level and heavily timbered, chiefly with pine. It is thinly settled and the farms are small with nothing of consequence raised on them. The [...]
January 31st. When off duty read, write letters, wash and mend my clothes. Try to keep clean and in good condition. Do my part handling an axe. We use up a whole lot of wood during this extreme cold weather. Try to keep as comfortable as we can. All sorts of questions come up for [...]
January 31, 1865. Lay still all day. This place was a country summer resort. I was in a house to-day; the walls were rough boards white-washed, the floors were very rough, and I think had never been carpeted, yet the room was filled with mahogany furniture of the best quality, had a fine piano, splendid [...]
31st. Tuesday. Millard on picket. Read “Rob Roy,” “Lucile,” Harper’s. Drilled.
January 31st.–Bright and frosty. The “peace commissioners” remained Sunday night at Petersburg, and proceeded on their way yesterday morning. As they passed our lines, our troops cheered them very heartily, and when they reached the enemy’s lines, they were cheered more vociferously than ever. Is not this an evidence of a mutual desire for peace? [...]