29th, Sunday.—As usual, we attended Mr. Peterkin’s church, and enjoyed his sermon. Every thing looks so dark without that our only comfort is in looking to God for His blessing. The Union Prayer-Meetings are great comforts to us. They are attended by crowds; ministers of all denominations officiate at them. Prayers for the country, hymns [...]
Sunday, 29th–Our company left camp in the old fort at 10 o’clock and reached the brigade headquarters at Garden Corners about noon. Our entire division then moved forward about ten miles and went into bivouac for the night. The roads were fine for marching, having had no rain for four days.
Combahee River, Charleston and Beaufort road, January 29, 1865. We have had some rich sport to-day. Our regiment and the 40th are out here on a little reconnoisance, and making a demonstration pretending to be building a bridge on the river, etc. A party of Rebels saluted our skirmishers when they got to the river [...]
29th. Sunday. Weather moderated. Scout came in at midnight. Wrote home. Captured 16 or 20 rebs on picket.
January 29th.–Clear, and moderating. To-day at 10 A.M. three commissioners start for Washington on a mission of peace, which may be possibly attained. They are Vice-President Stephens, Senator R. M. T. Hunter, and James A. Campbell, Assistant Secretary of War, and formerly a judge on the bench of the Supreme Court of the United States, [...]
I am afraid we will have more desertions in the spring than we have ever had yet. CAMP FOURTH NORTH CAROLINA REGIMENT, NEAR PETERSBURG, VA., Jan. 29, 1865. My Dear Folks: I received your letter dated 20th inst., yesterday, which made nine days that it has been on the way. Last week we spent on [...]