Saturday, 28th–Our company received orders to move on to the front tomorrow. The weather is quite pleasant. Some of the trains of the Fifteenth Corps came in from the landing this evening, but the corps has not yet arrived.
Saturday, 28th–Our company received orders to move on to the front tomorrow. The weather is quite pleasant. Some of the trains of the Fifteenth Corps came in from the landing this evening, but the corps has not yet arrived.
Six miles south of Combahee River, January 28, 1865, 6 p.m. The campaign commences Monday. It is yet cold; about an inch of ice forms every night, and sleeping out without tents is not a fair sample of paradise. I am in excellent health and we are all anxious to be en route.
28th. Saturday. 50 men of the 2nd Ohio on a scout with sabres under Capt. Chester. Clear and cold.
January 28th.–Clear and very cold; can’t find a thermometer in the city. The President did sign the bill creating a general-in-chief, and depriving Gen. Bragg of his staff. Major-Gen. Jno. C. Breckinridge has been appointed Secretary of War. May our success be greater hereafter! Gen. Lee has sent a letter from Gen. Imboden, exposing the [...]
Saturday, 28th.—Marched in regular order along the big road. Passed near Lafayette, Alabama. 56th Georgia boys left us, and took their own ways home, being in a different direction. From this on I can’t remember dates but we got plenty to eat and had a jolly time, finding plenty of friends to help us on [...]