23rd. Monday. Dan left us. He has been a brave and faithful soldier. It seems hard to lose him. He will make a splendid officer. Still rain and hail fall.
War Diary of Luman Harris Tenney.
January 23, 2025 0 comments
23rd. Monday. Dan left us. He has been a brave and faithful soldier. It seems hard to lose him. He will make a splendid officer. Still rain and hail fall.
January 23d.–Foggy, and raining. F. P. Blair is here again. If enemies are permitted to exist in the political edifice, there is danger of a crash. This weather, bad news, etc. etc. predispose both the people and the army for peace–while the papers are filled with accounts of the leniency of Sherman at Savannah, and [...]
Monday, 23d–It is still raining, and our men have made a new landing within six miles of Pocotaligo. It is at one of the inlets which has a channel deep enough for small steamboats to come up. This will shorten the haul of our provisions about twenty miles—no small item in this land of sandy [...]
Jan. 21—Rain and sleet. Brigade goes on picket. Jan. 22—In camp. Rain. Jan. 23—Hear from wife. In trouble. God help her! Terrible cannonade on our lines till nine at night. Saturday, ride to McRae’s Brigade to see Coin, Jim and A. Davis. Preach on Sunday a. m. and pray with prisoners in p. m.