January 20th. Severe cold weather since the last date. Deep snow and plenty. The inhabitants have always claimed the Yankees brought the cold weather. Such severe winters do not come to Virginia but once in many years. Our regular routine of duty is, and must be, kept up in spite of the severe weather. It [...]
20th. Friday. On picket. Bill Smith on, too. Line visited by Col. Randall, Brig. Ins. and Capt. Houghton, and Officer of the Day.
January 20th.–Clear and cold. No news–that is bad news. Nothing has transpired officially of the events and details near Wilmington, but there is a rumor, exaggerated perhaps, of the fall of Wilmington itself. No doubt Sherman is marching on Charleston, and if there be no battle soon, it is feared he will take the city [...]
Friday, 20th–It rained all day and the roads are becoming quite muddy.
(excerpts) “HD. QRTS., Jan. 20th, 1865. “My dear Wigfall: “Your message to me by Mr. Davis reached me a day or two ago. As I am about to start to S. C., I anticipate your letter by writing at once to you. It gave me great pleasure to see your return mentioned. ” . . [...]
Jan. 20 – Return to Regiment with boxes. Boxes for the Soldiers. Families at home sent thousands of boxes to husbands, fathers, sons and brothers during the war. Some contained pieces of clothing that the soldier would fall and be buried in. We had no chance to wash and dress those who fell in battle. [...]