19th. Thursday. Quiet day in hut. Out to daily duties. Read Atlantic. Coates made Capt. in Colored Regt. yesterday. Snowing.
War Diary of Luman Harris Tenney.
January 19, 2025 0 comments
19th. Thursday. Quiet day in hut. Out to daily duties. Read Atlantic. Coates made Capt. in Colored Regt. yesterday. Snowing.
January 19th.–Clear and frosty. Among the rumors, it would appear that the Senate in secret session has passed a resolution making Lee generalissimo. It is again said Mr. Seddon will resign, and be followed by Messrs. Benjamin and Mallory, etc. The following dispatch was received by the President yesterday: “Tupelo, Miss., January 17th, 1865.–Roddy’s brigade [...]
Thursday, 19th–There is nothing new. We are still on picket on the main road to Beaufort.
Jan. 1, 1865—Snow! Snow! Preach four times in the cabins of my Regiment. Jan. 2—Spend day with my brother Allen. Prayer-meeting nearly every night. Build stable for pony. Jan. 17—Meet Chaplains in Tabb Street Presbyterian Church, Petersburg. Jan. 18—Go to Richmond. Spend night with my father-in-law. Meet Mr. Mullins of Henry county, Va. Jan. 19—Hear [...]