15th. Cleaned up and rested. Prospect of going home on recruiting service.
War Diary of Luman Harris Tenney.
January 15, 2025 0 comments
15th. Cleaned up and rested. Prospect of going home on recruiting service.
Sunday, 15th–The rebels fell back last night and our men pushed forward this morning. We moved six miles and again went into camp. One regiment and the Thirteenth Iowa was left at Pocotaligo for picket duty and to act as train guard for the trains passing to and fro from Beaufort, hauling provisions out to [...]
CAMP FOURTH NORTH CAROLINA REGIMENT, NEAR PETERSBURG, COX’S BRIGADE, RODES’ DIVISION, W. VA., January 15, 1865. My Dear Mother: McBride came night before last and brought everything safely, except the butter. He looked all over his baggage and we searched the box thoroughly, but could not find it. The articles which you sent me were [...]
January 15th.–Clear and frosty. Guns heard down the river. Dispatches came last night for ammunition–to Wilmington, I believe. We have nothing yet decisive from Fort Fisher, but I fear it will fall. Mr. Hunter was in the Secretary’s office this morning before the Secretary came. I could give him no news from Wilmington. He is [...]