January 10th. During the past few days we had all kinds of weather, starting in with a cold rain, turning to hail, and winding up with a heavy snow storm. Now we have to go through about twelve inches of snow. The surrounding country for miles does look gloomy enough. Heard bells and saw one [...]
Thunderbolt, Ga., January 10, ’65. We joined the brigade in the suburbs of the city, and took the shell road to this place, only four miles by land, but 18 by water. There are some fine works here, erected by the Rebels to guard the water approach to the city. I send you a little [...]
10th. Tuesday. Officer of the day. Brigade Hdqrs. A pleasant ride around the lines.
Tuesday, 10th–Our division moved out to the front about five miles and went into camp again. We had to move because we had burned up all the fallen timber around our camp, while at the new camp we will have plenty. It rained quite hard this afternoon and then turned colder at night. The country [...]
January 10th.–You do the Anabasis business when you want to get out of the enemy’s country, and the Thermopylae business when they want to get into your country. But we retreated in our own country and we gave up our mountain passes without a blow. But never mind the Greeks; if we had only our [...]
January 10th.–Rained hard all night. House leaking badly! We have nothing new in the papers this morning. It is said with more confidence, however, that Butler’s canal is not yet a success. Daily and nightly our cannon play upon the works, and the deep sounds in this moist weather are distinctly heard in the city. [...]