January 9th, 1865 I had been suffering with the toothache for some days when on this day it became so bad that I made up my mind to go to the doctor and have the tooth extracted. I arrived at the doctor’s tent, he directed me to an ancient chair and asked me to show [...]
Green Square, Savannah, Ga. January 9, 1865. Thinking we for once in the service had a chance to enjoy quiet life, two of our number were sent to Hilton Head for a full supply of men’s apparel for the outer man, and of refreshments substantial and fancy for the inner. They returned to-day just in [...]
9th. Monday. Put up picket poles and policed ground.
Monday, 9th–We remained in camp all day.[1] It rained most of the day. No news of any importance. [1] I had been suffering with the toothache for some days when on this day it became so bad that I made up my mind to go to the doctor and have the tooth extracted. I arrived [...]
January 9th.–Bright, clear, and cold. It is said the government depot at Charlotte, N. C, has been burned (accidentally), consuming a large amount of corn. We have nothing further of the movement of Grant’s troops. We have Hood’s acknowledgment of defeat, and loss of 50 guns before Nashville. The papers contain the proceedings of a [...]